PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 181 Aesthetics of Violence, Dragging the Spear

Chapter 181 Aesthetics of Violence, Dragging the Spear
Suddenly, they heard gunshots, and both of them were taken aback. They were relieved when they realized that the gunshots were not from AKM.

'Bang bang bang' M4 gunshots, they recognized it, and then squatted behind the bunker to help their teammates with peace of mind.

Douyu Qianqian was directing them to help their teammates alone, while the other five followed her to attack the supply soldiers of the Xue family army. Without the suppression of the three snipers, they could boldly attack these supply soldiers with confidence.

'bang bang bang'

'Da da da'

'Clap clap clap'


The gunshots of the five people rang out in no particular order, knocking down one driver in an instant, but immediately another person switched to the driver's position, trying to turn the car sideways to protect his teammates.

The five of them continued to fight, and then successfully knocked down one person again.

The gunfire was so loud that they didn't hear footsteps behind them.

The commentary live broadcast room was quiet, there was not even a barrage, and everyone was focused on the bold Xue Family Army on the screen.

He dared to go around the back of the six gods. This is simply too courageous. The key is his position. There is no suitable hiding place within ten meters around him.

This is not going to live anymore, and he wants to exchange his life for the arrival of supply soldiers.

In fact, from the moment Qin Fan burst out with foul language, he had already planned to use his life to give the Xue family army time to recuperate.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom..." AKM's gunshots rang out. Although it was no longer the three bursts of fire that made them extremely panic before, it still surprised them.

As we all know, the recoil of AKM's continuous shooting is very strong, but the audience looked at this enemy on the screen, such crazy automatic continuous shooting can be controlled so well.

Although there are occasional situations where the horizontal rear seat is not under control, overall, it is perfect.

After Qin Fan killed a person, the bullets from the muzzle of the gun didn't stop, and directly reversed direction, pointing at another person again.

The muzzle of the gun spewed out bullets, spinning fast, non-stop, as if rolling, as the muzzle moved, the bullets sprayed, and four or five bullet holes were punched in the Gobi Desert, and then the crosshairs pointed at another enemy's head.

'My God, is this a drag technique? King's drag gun technique! '

'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh '

Drag gun technique is a kind of marksmanship with one enemy against many, suitable for fighting alone. If you cooperate with your teammates, it is easy to accidentally injure your teammates.

This kind of shooting technique is to keep moving the muzzle direction of the gun to aim at multiple enemies without the gun firing, as if dragging the bullets away, so it is called dragging the gun technique.

This kind of marksmanship is a bit of a waste of bullets, but it can save the time of clicking the fire button and kill the enemy with lightning speed, especially in close-range sneak attacks, it will have a miraculous effect.

Because the gun is constantly firing, the horizontal backseat and vertical backseat will become bigger and bigger, that is, the muzzle that ordinary players often say will become more and more floating.

For many players, it is already a miracle to be able to perfectly control the recoil of a gun, but it is simply impossible to move the muzzle while controlling the impact of the bullet.

But ever since King used this kind of marksmanship in the World League, when one person killed the No. [-] team in the United States, the Faze team, in two seconds in a sneak attack, there was an uproar all over the world, breaking all the players at once. Awareness of recoil.

The captain of Faze is the godfather who disturbed the clown to sleep before.

Afterwards, this extremely difficult and extremely brutal marksmanship became a compulsory course for every first-class team assaulter.

AKM was once considered to be a firearm that only the king could use this gun to use the 'drag gun', but today the audience saw another person, he dared to use the AKM to use the 'drag gun', and he was successful Use it out.

(End of this chapter)

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