Chapter 196
"Made..." Hearing the news, Huang Yiming slammed the table angrily, which completely embarrassed their e-sports club.

"Immediately issue a notice to dispel rumors, saying that the e-sports club will not consider recruiting new players into the team in the short term. Rumors will stop at the wise, and I hope everyone will spread the information rationally." Huang Yiming said quickly.

"This..." Vice President Zhou cried out in shock, this move was too ruthless.

The previous series of actions of the e-sports club team have spread, and almost everyone in the school knows about it. This is equivalent to their e-sports club personally pushing this person named Qin Fan to the forefront.

And this player named Qin Fan has become a laughing stock due to his loss in this competition. If their e-sports club releases a rumor dispelling notice at this time, it will be equivalent to another stab in the heart of this talented player.

In this way, this player was directly pushed to the opposite side of the e-sports club. Let alone trying to recruit this person into the team in the future, it would be even more difficult to get him into the e-sports club.

Vice President Zhou smiled wryly, but now he regrets that he stopped Huang Yiming from pulling Qin Fan into the team, otherwise what happened now would not have happened.

For one thing, the cause and effect of the matter have not been investigated clearly, and it is too hasty to draw a conclusion directly.

Secondly, according to his observations, this person named Qin Fan had a lot of conflicts with other players in the two competitions. His personality seemed arrogant, arrogant, tough, and he never bowed his head. He didn't believe that such a strong, A proud person will become a deserter.

Thirdly, he has always adhered to the code of conduct of being a human being and staying on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future. Today's president's actions are too ruthless, and even he, the vice president, can't stand it anymore.

But he can also understand what Huang Yiming is doing. After all, the school entrusts the e-sports competition to their e-sports club. This is their chance to perform well. The turmoil of chaos caused even the e-sports club that led them to be questioned.

It is better to put aside the relationship now and give up a talented player than to take the entire e-sports club into it.

"Hey..., it's a pity." Vice President Zhou sighed, took the electronic file to the copy shop, and was going to print out the electronic file in his hand and paste it on the school's bulletin board.

When the notice on his bulletin board is finished, the person in charge of the e-sports club in the school's post bar will also post a rumor dispelling announcement. By then, Qin Fan will be completely reduced to a laughing stock in the eyes of the whole school...

Huang Yiming attached great importance to the posting of the announcement this time, because it was related to the reputation of the e-sports club, and he personally supervised it all the time. It was not until seeing Vice President Zhou leave the e-sports club that Huang Yiming heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at the killing highlights of the unknown master of the Xue family army on the screen, he couldn't help but sighed.

"We don't hesitate to fight to the death to save our teammates at the critical moment. Such teammates are what we really need." Huang Yiming sighed, and the captain of the 686 team who abandoned his teammates at the critical moment appeared in his mind again, and he couldn't help but fight. , snorted coldly: "I'm really blind, how could I fall in love with a player like you."

If he knew that Qin Fan was the unknown master of the Xue family army, I don't know how wonderful his expression would be, and whether he would regret that he personally pushed Qin Fan to the forefront today.

But at this moment, Qin Fan had just returned to school, so he didn't know that he was already a "popular" figure in the school's first year of high school.

(End of this chapter)

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