PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 197 Going through the back door

Chapter 197 Going through the back door

"Hey, Li Changxiao, I have a friend coming to your place today, you should prepare a training spot for her in advance." Qin Fan said while making a phone call.

"Oh..." Li Changxiao gave a meaningful 'oh', and then said with a smirk: "This is trying to go through the back door, what benefits do I have?"

"Hey, you want to get something out of such a small job, and even blackmail me, can you have a conscience?" Seeing that the old boy was still thinking of blackmailing himself, Qin Fan couldn't help laughing, and teased him.

"Come on, I'm a professional poacher. If I had a conscience, I would have starved to death." Li Changxiao directly rejected Qin Fan's teasing with a cheeky face, and said indifferently.

Faced with such a shameless guy, Qin Fan had no choice but to say, "Okay, tonight, you can choose the restaurants and restaurants on Huangfu Street, it's interesting enough."

"It's better for Master Qin to be happy, it's enough, so it's settled." Li Changxiao laughed loudly.

"But you have to come and pick me up for a while, I have three friends here." Qin Fan said, he planned to take Zhuge Qingyun, Zhang Dewei, and Wang Youcai to have a good meal together at night.

"As long as you treat guests, these things are easy to talk about." Li Changxiao had a rare moment of joy.

Huangfu Street is a well-known food street in Shanghai. The consumption level here is not particularly high in Shanghai, but it is very lively, the atmosphere is excellent, and it is open 24 hours. For professional players who often train until late at night, This is their favorite place for dinner.

"What about the training standards? Do you want to put water on him?" When it came to business, Li Changxiao immediately became serious.

Qin Fan pondered for a while and said, "No, the training progress can start from the first day, but the standard should be increased by ten percent."

"Hiss..." Li Changxiao gasped, and asked tentatively, "You have a grudge against your friend, there are only a dozen or so people in our team who can meet the standard standard, and you want to improve by [-]%?" kill him?"

Qin Fan laughed and said: "No hatred, my good friend, I think she should be able to do it, give it a try, and adjust the standard if it doesn't work."

Ever since the fan incident, Qin Fan has always felt that Zhang Xue, a woman, definitely has a certain potential. This feeling is inexplicable, the way is unclear, and Qin Fan is not sure, so he decided to force it. If there is really no potential, It's okay.

But if it is really forced out, maybe it can give Qin Fan and herself a big surprise.

Regarding Zhang Xue's affairs, Qin Fan has basically helped her settle down, including the current top person in charge of Douyu. Qin Fan also called and asked him to secretly follow the situation in Zhang Xue's live broadcast room. No extra help is needed. , but Zhang Xue cannot be bullied.

Zhang Xue is now under the protection of the top person in charge in Douyu. If Douyu Qianqian dares to pick on any moths, no matter what kind of background she has in Douyu, she can wait to die.

Qin Fan walked very fast, and while walking, he voiced in the WeChat group of 686 dormitory: "Brothers, I'm back."

As soon as his message was sent out, the messages in the wechat group followed one after another.

"It's over so soon? Boss, you need to replenish your kidneys." Zhang Dewei's voice was still so unprofessional.

"Boss, I heard that you were appointed by the school team? Is it true?" Zhuge Qingyun said.

"You are so awesome, boss, you are the first person selected by the e-sports club in our freshman year, and you are the kind who can directly enter the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds team as an official player." Wang Youcai said.

Qin Fan was confused when he heard that, what school team?What default?How come I don't know anything?
(End of this chapter)

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