Chapter 275 Hatching Eggs
Seeing this, several people quickly stared at Qin Fan's screen and hands, watching his operations, trying to see if he had turned on the self-aiming or locked his head.

There are people in the two puzzle buildings, and they are still a team. They have just eliminated the other team of enemies who are robbing the puzzle building with them, occupied the two puzzle buildings, and started searching for equipment.

Although Qin Fan couldn't hear their exact location on the top floor, it was enough to judge which floor they were on and where they were roughly based on the volume of the sound.

"Do you have any medicine? Bandages are also fine." The third player in this team asked hastily as soon as he was helped up by his teammates. In a place like P City surrounded by soldiers, if there is no healthy blood, it is considered a Knowing that there are no enemies around, I will panic, always feeling that someone will suddenly pop out from some corner.

"Go upstairs and search for it. I'm afraid it's an egg. Our team has taken over the whole building." Player [-] said while searching the second floor.

"I don't dare to go, I'm afraid..." Player No. [-] said weakly, obviously a newcomer.

"Hey..." Player No. [-] sighed, completely speechless to this cowardly teammate, if he hadn't paid the money, he would never bring this kind of teammate to play the game: "You come to search the second floor, I'll go Search on the third floor, I don't believe anyone can fly upstairs."

Just as he was about to go upstairs, he heard hurried footsteps above his head, and hurriedly shouted: "Wow, there are really people upstairs, be careful."

"A few." The teammate from the other building hurriedly said.

"I don't know, but I only listen to the footsteps. It's okay. You can search yours. I'm a dignified Asian server with the top five thousand. Can I even handle the small fish and shrimps in the national server's Fish Pond Bureau?" Player [-] said at the same time. While doing so, he controlled the game characters to stand in the field of view stuck in the corner of the corridor.

They are a power leveling team, not only power leveling accounts, but also play games with clients, and they are best at dealing with people from the Fish Pond Bureau, so he doesn't panic at all.

It's a pity that he encountered a difficult problem this time. The person upstairs is Qin Fan...

He was stuck at the stairway from the second floor to the third floor. He was aiming at it, and suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking from the third floor. Looking down from the perspective of God, the smoke was lingering below, and the guy upstairs was missing. smoke.

The corners of his mouth could not help but slanted slightly, and he said disdainfully: "Want to jump off the building and escape? It's a beautiful idea."

As he spoke, he controlled the game characters to run out of the wall. As soon as he ran out, he heard a burst of extremely rapid gunshots on the left, which was UZI.

"Damn it, it's really bad." Player No. [-] turned pale with fright, and quickly manipulated the game character to do evasive actions, while running forward, trying to get to the blind spot of Qin Fan's vision.

However, UZI's rate of fire is too fast and the burst is too high. Although he has a second-stage head, under Qin Fan's control, the bullets never miss, and all hit his neck and face. He hasn't finished his sentence yet. He was already knocked down by Qin Fan, and only five bullets were used.

Uzi was going to shoot ~five bullets, and it didn't take a blink of an eye. It can be said that he was knocked down when he heard Qin Fan's gunshot.

After knocking down one person, Qin Fan took out the grenade, took advantage of the rebound, and threw it directly into the house on the second floor.

"Big brother, there is a grenade, hide it quickly." Player No. [-] quickly reminded his gold master.

"Where's the grenade?" Player No. [-] panicked when he heard this, and crawled directly on the ground.

"Pfft..., it's right under you..." Player No. [-] couldn't help laughing when he saw that the gold master was lying on top of the grenade, as if hatching an egg.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a roar, and his benefactor flew up, bounced to the ceiling, and fell again.

(End of this chapter)

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