Chapter 276 Come on
Qin Fan looked at the system's knockdown prompt and couldn't help being surprised. He just wanted to use the grenade to seal the opponent's movement space so that he could occupy a favorable position, but he didn't expect to blow up the opponent directly.

Qin Fan ran to the door on the second floor, checked the situation in the house and the corridor with his vision blocked, and felt relieved when he saw that no one was there.

Just as he was about to shoot and kill these two people, he heard a panicked voice from the public mic channel: "Brother, brother, don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll give you the gun."

"The gun that kills you is also mine, and I will wait for your teammates to come and help you up later, so I have two more enemies." Qin Fan said.

Seen through by Qin Fan, player No. 20 laughed dryly and said, "Then...well, don't kill the one in the room first, let our teammates help him up, and then you fight again. If my teammate dies, you Help me guide him, if you can bring him into the finals, I will give you [-] yuan."

Hearing the other party's condition, Qin Fan couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "You are power leveling, right? This is your client?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Player No. [-] heard the words and saw the negotiation going on, and quickly said: "It's not easy to make money, please raise your hand."

Qin Fan smiled: "I am also a power leveling agent."

The No. [-] player of that team was surprised when he heard the words, and was immediately overjoyed. Since it was a power leveling, the negotiation was more convenient.

The voice of Qin Fan's words was not low, and Zheng Zexian and Guo Shaorong who were beside him could hear them clearly, and the people behind him were paying attention to Qin Fan wholeheartedly, so they could hear them even more clearly.

When Zheng Ze heard this, his expression became domineering again, and he said with disdain in his heart, how good I thought you were, you turned out to be a power leveling agent.

The people behind Qin Fan didn't respond, they didn't care about this, they only cared about whether Qin Fan was cheating or not.

"Then what do you think, big brother?" Player No. [-] asked.

Qin Fan didn't know what everyone was thinking, and he didn't care. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, when your teammates come, we will compete again. If you lose, the money will be mine, and I will bring it. If you win Yes, I don’t want this money anymore, how about you take it away?”

The man was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly said: "Brother is open and bright, happy, that's it."

Although 20 yuan is not much, the power leveling earns itself pocket money, and every penny is hard-earned money.

Soon, two of his teammates rushed over and helped them up.

Player No. [-] smiled after replenishing his blood volume and said, "Brother, shall we go?"

"Come on." Qin Fan smiled.

The way to learn from each other is that Qin Fan attacked from the third floor, and the three of them attacked from the second floor. Whoever annihilates the opponent first wins.

After Qin Fan said, everyone closed the public channel one after another. It was obviously not the first time for those power levelers to cooperate. There was no communication, but the division of labor was very clear.

No. [-] took out the grenade and prepared to throw it at the entrance of the corridor on Qin Fan's side. The other two were stuck against the wall, looking at Qin Fan's position from the perspective of God, and were always ready to attack Qin Fan.

When the grenade exploded in the last two seconds, the man suddenly flashed out from behind the wall. The grenade drew a diagonal line in the air and hit the wall beside Qin Fan, trying to bounce to the corridor beside Qin Fan, throwing Qin Fan forced out.

The moment No. [-]'s grenade was thrown out, Qin Fan stepped out and knocked him down with a single blow.

No. [-] and No. [-] quickly fired at Qin Fan, trying to kill him, but Qin Fan's dodge gun was too fast, and he turned back to the cover in an instant after leaning forward, and all their bullets hit the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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