Chapter 280 Cool
"Good eyesight, you can distinguish the outline of such a heavy smoke." A person behind him couldn't help admiring when he saw that Qin Fan had successfully knocked down an enemy.

The AKM in Qin Fan's hand was still breathing flames, and the red dot was pressed tightly in front of another enemy's body, moving forward as he ran, and soon this enemy was also knocked down.

Zheng Zexian's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he rushed downstairs to run towards the direction of the smoke, impatiently running over~ licking the bag, for fear that Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying would snatch it from him.

"You have to be ashamed, Qin Fan is so poorly equipped, and you are still grabbing bags from him." Guo Shaorong frowned.

"Qin Fan didn't say anything, why did you interrupt, besides, Qin Fan doesn't need good equipment at all to operate, win94 and AKM are enough, you are right, Qin Fan." Zheng Ze first blocked Guo Shaorong's mouth, Putting a high hat on Qin Fan again, trying to shut Qin Fan's mouth.

Qin Fan didn't pay attention to him at all, and let him go over~ Licking the bag, Guo Shaorong snorted coldly, and didn't bother to go over to support him.

Qin Fan glanced at the system prompt, both of them were knocked down, obviously they still have teammates, seeing Zheng Zexian impatiently go over ~ licking the bag, Qin Fan smiled and did not speak, thought, let him go to attract the enemy out it is good.

Zheng Ze rushed into the smoke in a hurry, but he couldn't find the two people after searching for a long time. He didn't see them until the smoke cleared.

However, just as he shot and killed those two people, gunshots rang out from the low house to the south behind him, and before he could react, he was beaten to pieces.

"Bang" Qin Fan's win94 shot crashed on the man's green hat, the huge inertia ~ force hit the enemy's head back a few points, and then fell to the ground slumped into a box.

"Fuck, Qin Fan, what are you doing? Is there someone here that you can't see? Is this how you train?" The accident happened so fast that Zheng Zexian turned pale with fright. No danger, did not kill him.

Zheng Zexian's words were too annoying, he didn't shirk his responsibility, and even complained that others didn't help him in time.

Not to mention that Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying were dissatisfied this time, even the big guys behind Qin Fan couldn't stand it anymore.

"Little brother, why are you so angry, huh?" One person stared at Zheng Zexian with threatening eyes and said.

"Isn't that the place you searched? Don't you know there are people there?"

"It's love for others to help you, and it's duty not to help you. Don't be ignorant, young man."


A few people said something to each other, and Zheng Zexian was so angry that he didn't dare to say anything. He could only look at Qin Fan with resentment.

Seeing that his eyes were not angry, Qin Fan smiled and said, "Don't look at me, look at the second or third floor of the boxing gym, is there someone there?"

Zheng Zexian broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the words. He looked up and saw a man in yellow clothes dancing Russian dance to him standing at the window on the third floor of the boxing gym. There is also a dark yellow 98k, a dark ~ black M4, and a three-level bag on the back, which is too fat.

At such a close distance, Zheng Zexian had no time to react. He quickly raised the quadruple SCAR-L that he had just licked~ and aimed at the person. As soon as the mirror was opened, he was shot down by the person directly from the waist.

His blood volume has already been beaten to residual blood. At this time, there is no need for precise shoulder shots, and only two bullets from the waist are enough to knock him down.

"Brother, please forgive me, I'll give you all the guns." Zheng Zexian quickly opened the open microphone to beg for mercy.

"Do you think I need those rags? Dare to lick my brother's bag, you have to pay with your life." The yellow-clothed player on the third floor of the boxing gym said this, and shot Zheng Zexian to death, simply and neatly, leaving no future trouble .

(End of this chapter)

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