Chapter 281 Luxury
After killing Zheng Zexian, the man made a detour to the vehicle on the side of the road, and drove to the west of the mountain. If he didn't stop for a moment, his teammates were already dead, and there was no point in staying any longer.

"Qin Fan, since you know someone is there, why didn't you kill him in advance?" Zheng Zexian said with a grim expression, staring at Qin Fan.

"I'm in a blind spot here, so I can't hit him." Qin Fan said slowly.

Zheng Ze was taken aback when he heard the words, but still stared at Qin Fan unkindly and said, "Then how do you know there are people there?"

"Guess, those two people rushed towards the boss and someone put guns on them." Qin Fan said.

"Then why didn't you tell me in advance." Zheng Zexian's face became more and more unkind.

"You are so anxious to lick the bag, I am worried that it will disturb your elegant mood." Qin Fan's mouth slanted slightly, showing a sneer, and before Zheng Ze got angry first, he continued: "Furthermore, when you go over to lick the bag I never asked if I could lick it, but Guo Shaorong stopped you, and you scolded him so much that I was too scared to speak."

"You..." Zheng Ze was speechless angrily, staring at Qin Fan but unable to say a word.

Qin Fan obviously wanted him to die there on purpose, but Qin Fan's fallacious reasoning sounded reasonable, as if the fact was indeed the case, making him, the 'victim', unreasonable for a while. I couldn't refute a word, so I could only swallow this dumb loss silently.

Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard the words, and expressed their sympathy (huo) for Zheng Zexian's (bao) encounter (ying).

"Can I go to lick the bag now?" Dongfang Yingying asked.

"Throw away two cigarettes and lick it again. That guy may have gone to the west mountain to set up a gun. This guy definitely has an 98x lens and [-]K. Be careful." Qin Fan said.

"Good." Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying walked through the housing area all the way to the scene of the battle just now. According to what Qin Fan said, they threw two smoke bombs on the road and began to lick their bags.

The client who had been following Qin Fan's ass saw that there was a bag to lick, so he also followed them and ran along the room area.

There were not many good things in the bags of those two people, and they were obviously licked away by Zheng Zexian. They quickly crawled to the side of Zheng Zexian's bag, and while licking the bag with tears in their eyes, they exclaimed: "Quadruple mirror, M4, scar-l, Level [-] set, student Zheng, you are so fat, it’s a pity, these good equipment can only let us make them shine for you.”

Zheng Zexian snorted coldly, turned his face away angrily, and ignored the two of them.

"Do you have any quadruple mirrors and 98K?" Qin Fan asked while giving them three guns. Although the machine sight win94 is also very comfortable to use, he has also used win94 to kill a third-level head 1000 meters away. enemy.

But after all, there are too many variables. It’s okay if the enemy does not move a thousand meters away. If he moves, he has to re-preview the calculation. The tie is comfortable.

"There is a quadruple mirror, but there is no extra. 98k has one, but your client took it away." Dongfang Yingying said.

"Okay." Qin Fan had no choice but to use win94 and red dot AKM in the end.

"Are there any more 7.62 bullets?" Qin Fan asked weakly, he only had about forty rounds left.

"It's all over the place, and no one wants it." Dongfang Yingying said.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a luxury, help me bring more." Qin Fan said.


"The smoke is about to dissipate, hurry back to the room." Qin Fan squatted at the window and scouted around.


(End of this chapter)

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