Chapter 282
The three retreated back as promised, and ran to the Puzzle Building with Qin Fan's client, where they set up guns with Qin Fan.

Now there are only people left in the room area to the east, four people in groups of two and two, squatting on the balcony, observing the room area on the casino side from the perspective of God.

Suddenly, a roar of vehicles roared, and with a collision, the roar stopped.

"Someone is here, are you calling?" Dongfang Yingying said excitedly.

"Wait and see. There are two people on the other side. They are downstairs in the supermarket, or they may have entered the supermarket. Let's see what the team at the casino says." Qin Fan said.

As soon as the words fell, Qin Fan stood up suddenly, raised his gun and fired in the northeast direction.

There was a sound of "bang", and the system prompted: "Da~ Master knocked down Xiao Xiangxiang with win94." '

"You can hit the neck from 100 meters away, big brother, how did you do it?" The people behind Qin Fan suddenly erupted. They just saw the man running from the casino to the vehicle, and found that the man had been killed by Qin Fan. Fan hit the neck and knocked him down. The reaction speed and marksmanship are really fast and accurate enough.

"Calculate the ballistic trajectory and the outline of the human body at about 100 meters and 25 meters." Qin Fan said concisely.

"Hiss..." The people behind Qin Fan gasped when they heard the words, about 120 meters, this frank distance is in single digits, no wonder the shooting is so accurate.

This time, even the three power levelers who were watching the battle at the client's side couldn't sit still, and kept sending Qin Fan invitations to their studio, but Qin Fan declined one by one.

After Qin Fan hit the first shot, he immediately squatted down, and there was a puff of smoke from the casino, obviously another team started to rescue.

In order to prevent the two people in the supermarket from shooting at each other, Qin Fan rushed to the supermarket alone with an AKM while the team was still saving people. Listening to the footsteps, the two people were on the top floor of the supermarket.

After climbing to the end of the stairs, Qin Fan threw a Molotov cocktail on the roof where he was most likely to get stuck.

The Molotov cocktail fell to the ground and ignited, and there was a terrible howl immediately on the roof. Qin Fan took the opportunity to throw a smoke bomb on the stairs, flipped onto the stairs on the outer wall, and rushed up.

A clean "little spear drag" killed the two of them, and after licking their bags, although they didn't have 98K, they still had a quadruple mirror and a second-level set.

Next, Qin Fan occupied the position on the top of the building and formed a diagonal position with the three people in the puzzle building, pulled out a simple gun line, and successfully eliminated the other team, and the entire P city became theirs. The world is over.

After licking the bags of those people, Qin Fan still couldn't find 98k, but he secretly found two [-]x mirrors, but didn't tell them three, otherwise the [-]x mirrors would not belong to him.

"Eight times, brother, why don't you try the eight times AKM pressure gun, the next version of the automatic rifle will not be able to install the eight times scope." A big brother behind him saw Qin Fan picked up the eight times scope, eager to try.

Qin Fan hurriedly turned his head and glared at him, oh shit, I just don’t want them to know that I have an [-]x scope, and I want to use an [-]x magnification gun again, but you still said that you gave it away. Didn’t you intend to let me have my equipment confiscated? ?

Sure enough, Dongfang Yingying and Guo Shaorong looked at him after hearing the words: "You have an [-]x mirror? Hurry up and hand it in."

Qin Fan laughed dryly, and had no choice but to throw out the [-]x mirror, but he kept an eye on it, and only threw out one, and he had another on him.Anyway, the person behind him didn't say how many there were, he said one and that was one.

Install another [-]x mirror on the AKM, and continue to work on the top floor of the supermarket, while Dongfang Yingying and others are working on the puzzle floor, so that they can better control the field of view of P City.

(End of this chapter)

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