PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 283 Thank You Dongfang Sister

Chapter 283 Thank You Dongfang Sister
The drug circle takes good care of them, wave after wave of poison, P city has been in the drug circle, and from time to time someone passes through P city or enters P city, and they become their courier without any suspense.

After several waves of courier delivery, Guo Shaorong, Dongfang Yingying, and that client, the three of them are already very fat. They have a quadruple rifle and an eightfold 98K, and they are only short of durable third-level guns and three-level guns. Grade A.

Even Qin Fan, who licked their remaining equipment, has two AKMs, one for eight times and one for red dots.

The poison circle kept shrinking. When it reached the sixth wave of poison, P city was already on the edge of the poison circle, and the probability of the next wave of poison spreading in P city was too small.

Qin Fan decided to change his location and go for a stroll on the top of the mountain to the west.It is high enough, has a good view, and has many bunkers. The most important thing is that it is relatively close to the center of the poison circle.

If the poisonous circle is at the top of the mountain in the end, they will be embarrassed if they are at the foot of the mountain, but if they are on the top of the western mountain, they can effectively control the situation on the central mountaintop of the poisonous circle and attack the enemies who try to occupy that high ground.

"Didn't you say that the person who came out of the boxing gym before might be on the top of the western mountain? Are you sure you want to go up?" Dongfang Yingying said slightly worried.

"Before there was no mirror, it was difficult to fight, so I told you to be careful. Now that there is a mirror, of course you don't have to be afraid." Qin Fan laughed.

"What? When did you pick up the magnifying glass? You didn't tell us?" Guo Shaorong suddenly turned to look at Qin Fan, as if he was guarding against a thief.

"Er..., then what, the army is so fast, let's go." Qin Fan was speechless, and quickly changed the subject, for fear that Guo Shaorong would find out that he had lied to the two of them just now.

Qin Fan asked the three of them to drive first, while he gave them three guns behind.As soon as the enemy on the top of the west mountain appeared, he was directly killed by Qin Fan with an eight-times AKM and a three-shoulder shot. The big men behind him and the three power levelers who were watching the battle were nice, and then he also rode two The small motorcycle climbed to the top of the mountain in the west.

There will be no suspense in the next game. Qin Fan has eight times the AKM in his hand, and there are almost no living people in the kilometer radius. Whoever dares to show their heads will die. Before the last wave of poison, Qin Fan has killed everyone. , there are only four of them left.

The client proposed to fight Qin Fan in close combat, but Qin Fan didn't hold back at all, and slapped him to death in one round, successfully eating the chicken.

"Sister Dongfang, I can go back to sleep now." Qin Fan blinked and said pitifully.

Dongfang Yingying smiled and said, "Let's go, anyway, you are my student, and we will have plenty of time to play together in the future, so I won't cheat you today."

"Come on, Xiaosheng thanked Sister Dongfang." Qin Fan made a funny bow to her, and immediately canceled the account.

"Brother, let's go now, it's still early, let's have two more." Seeing that he was about to log off, several big men behind Qin Fan urged him to continue playing.

"That's right, what time is it? It's a good time to play. Why are you leaving? Are you hungry? Let's order food for you."

"We'll buy you water if you're thirsty."

"We'll give you a massage if you're tired."


A few people glanced at me and said a word, as if stupefied, tried their best to get Qin Fan to play another game, which made Qin Fan dumbfounded. To be honest, he didn't like to play this kind of low-end game, because so boring.

For his part in playing games, he has long lost the pleasure of slaughter, and is more concerned with pursuing extreme operations, strategizing tactical ideas, and peak contests with masters.

But the pleasure he pursued could not be experienced in low-end games at all. Only real professional games can make him feel excited, so he still plays with them.

One is to save Dongfang Yingying's face, and the other is because he really won't be playing for long. When he really takes over the Qin family's business, let alone playing games in the future, I'm afraid he will have to watch the stopwatch even when eating.

Playing one game and one less, he is more reluctant to part with this game, and misses those old brothers in the professional circle.

(End of this chapter)

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