Chapter 284 Business is too good
"We'll play again when we have a chance." Qin Fan said with a smile, and before leaving, he didn't forget to give each of them a business card, and give them an assurance of his business.

Just as Qin Fan walked to the front desk of the Internet cafe, the receptionist suddenly stopped him and said, "Sir, you forgot your 'Chicken Emperor' gift bag."

"'Chicken Emperor' big gift package? What is it?" Qin Fan asked in surprise.

The receptionist smiled and took out two super-large KFC super value family buckets from behind the counter, then handed him a palm-sized card, and introduced to him: "This is what you got from two rounds of 'caiiy' eating chicken." reward, this is an invitation letter from our Internet cafe team."

Dongfang Yingying and Guo Shaorong directly picked up a bucket of family bucket and ate it. One game took less than an hour, and a super-valued family bucket cost more than 80 yuan. They also made money after playing two games.

Qin Fan directly ignored the two barrels of super value family barrels, picked up the cards and looked at them. Generally, high-end Internet cafes will raise teams in order to create a famous brand effect, which is not surprising.

When Qin Fan was not doing well in the past, he also helped Internet cafes play games, but what surprised him was that generally speaking, Internet cafes would directly reach an agreement with the players of the professional team, giving them a certain amount of red envelopes every month, Then when I need to play a game in my Internet cafe, I will directly invite them to play.

But this is the first time he has seen an Internet cafe that directly recruits and trains teams like this.

Qin Fan solemnly put away the card and said, "Okay, I'll think about it."

He was naturally not interested in participating in this kind of small Internet cafe competition, but he felt that the owner of this Internet cafe was interesting and might be used in the future, so he kept this card.

Qin Fan went back to the dormitory and had fun with the three jokers for a while. After all, there was military training tomorrow, so we couldn't be too late, and they all went back to bed just after twelve o'clock.

Just about to go to bed, Qin Fan received the WeChat red envelope sent by the previous three power levelers, and accepted the red envelope of 20 yuan. Only then did Qin Fan discover that there were more than ten messages in Guo Can's chat window. Obviously there was something wrong. In a hurry, I quickly clicked to open it.

Guo Can is the retired professional player of the second-rate team that Qin Fan met in the match against Douyu Qianqian. Because of losing the game, he is now Qin Fan's wage earner. He has been making orders for Qin Fan recently.

Qin Fan clicked on WeChat and read them one by one:

'Brother, you have a lot of orders, take care of your brother more in the future, the more the better/呲牙/. '

'The list is a bit too much, I can't make it by myself. '

'Damn it, you haven't finished clearing the pile of lists, but the new ones have already piled up. '

'The order is coming faster than I can swipe the order, I'm exhausted and I can't make it/Crying/'

'Brother, your list is enough for the entire studio of professional order brushing/big cry//big cry//big cry/. '


Qin Fan giggled, obviously Zhang Xue had more fans, and his recommendation effect in Zhang Xue's live broadcast room was naturally better, and now it has begun to produce results.

'Okay, let's open a studio, are you far from the magic capital? 'Qin Fan sent him a WeChat message.

As soon as the WeChat message was sent, Guo Can replied, "I'm in SJZ, not too far away, I can go there anytime." '

Qin Fan was speechless, isn't SJZ far away?

'Okay, then you can come on weekends, I'm still in school, and I'm only free on weekends. 'Qin Fan said.

'/Contempt/ You can join any team and get a million annual salary, do you still need to go to school?" Guo Can said.

Qin Fan smiled and didn't reply to his message. If he doesn't study well, what will happen to the Qin family's great career, then he will become an eternal sinner in the history of the Qin family.

The military training came as promised, and it was closed military training. The officers who trained them were transferred from the military area. All of them were company-level officers. The hell-style military training for two consecutive weeks was unprecedentedly high. It was not like school military training at all. It's like training a regular army.

(End of this chapter)

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