Chapter 309 Lobster
"What about you? How much is your rank?" Zhuo Wei asked angrily, deliberately asking Guo Can to embarrass him.

"I have a score of 2535." Guo Can said indifferently.

Zhuo Wei looked slightly surprised. He originally thought that Guo Can's rank was lower than his, but he didn't expect it to be higher than him: "Then your rank is also not up to the standard, and you are not qualified. Why can you enter the rank?" , I can't enter." Zhuo Wei said angrily.

Guo Can glanced at him, only to realize that Zhuo Wei was doubting his strength, and said calmly, "Because I have experience in professional competitions."

"You?" Zhuo Wei questioned, looked Guo Can up and down for a long time before saying: "You can play professionally with a rank of 2535 points? I don't believe it. Which team did you use before?"

"Team XD, old wolf." Guo Can crossed Erlang's legs and said with a nostalgic look on his face.

"You are the old wolf of Team XD?" Zhuo Wei's eyes almost popped out.

Team XD is a second-rate professional team, but its previous style of play is very similar to Caesar's. All tactics are copied from Caesar's. To learn Caesar's tactics, you must have Caesar's staffing. The most difficult thing to imitate is Qin Fan's operation.

And Guo Can is the XD team responsible for imitating Qin Fan. Although xd made a lot of jokes because of imitating Caesar, his strength should not be underestimated. .

Although he has only learned a little bit, he still has no opponents in the second-tier teams. Even if he faces the first-tier teams in China, he has a [-]% chance of winning.

The XD team, as the most famous second-rate team, imitated Qin Fan's old wolf, and naturally became the most famous person in the XD team. Almost everyone in the professional circle knew his name.

Although they all looked at him as a joke, the strength of the old wolf should not be underestimated.

So when Zhuo Wei heard that Guo Can was an old wolf, his eyes almost popped out. He thought he was a passerby who could only play low-end games, but it turned out that he was a retired professional master. It was like a dream.

Even if it is a second-rate professional player, among ordinary players, he is still a professional master. The name of a professional player is like a halo, and will follow him for a lifetime.

"Why, don't I look like it?" Guo Can raised his eyebrows and asked with Erlang's legs crossed.

Zhuo Wei stared at Guo Can up and down, left, right, left, and right several times, but he was still not sure that it was the old wolf.

The old wolf in the past was like a butter niche, with thin skin and tender flesh. He couldn't associate the old wolf with the young man with the unshaven beard and decadent expression.

"Like..." Zhuo Wei swallowed dryly, and admitted reluctantly, "Then what about the six of them? They don't even know how to..."

"They're all retired professional players, but we're all second-rate professional teams, not as good as you, Erwei~ brother." Guo Can teased with a smile. He still remembers Guo Can's attitude towards him before.

Zhuo Wei pursed his lips, his eyes drifted, he looked around, and obediently put away his wolf tail. Who would have thought that such a depressed person would play a low-end game, but it turned out to be an old wolf...

He could only protest weakly: "You are so good, why are you still playing rounds with a score of less than 1500? It would be fine if you played high-end rounds."

What Zhuo Wei first expected was that the studio would have one or two retired professional players to lead the team, but it turned out that the people here are all professional players. The most important thing is, who doesn’t know that the high-end rounds charge more expensive and make money faster, Such a group of people playing low-end games is simply killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

When he first came here, he was still a bit condescending, and he was all about dragons entering the shallow pool, tigers falling into the flat sun, and so on. Only then did he realize that this is not a shallow pool, it is simply a small e-sports profession circle, and his 'dragon' is just a small fish and shrimp here...

(End of this chapter)

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