Chapter 310 Agree
Guo Wei said: "Who told you that I scored below 1500 points, we scored 2000 points."

"Huh?" Zhuo Wei was stupefied, and there were countless crap in his heart. Do you all call 2000 points a low-end game? Isn't 2000 points a mid-to-high end game?

"Huh what?" After the interview, Guo Can picked up the rice and continued to eat, and said while eating, "Okay, the interview is over, you can go."

As soon as Guo Can passed by Zhuo Wei, Zhuo Wei who was sitting on the chair hugged his thighs, which shocked Guo Can: "What are you doing?"

"Brother, please, let me stay." Zhuo Wei hugged Guo Can's thigh tightly, as if he would not let go if Guo Can disagreed.

"Let go, what's the matter with the two big men hugging their big~legs, let go quickly." Guo Can's excited mouth spurted out the rice, and the rice grains splashed all over Zhuo Wei, Zhuo Wei remained the same. Never let go.

"No, I won't let go if you don't agree. If your friend sees it, I'll see what you've said." After saying that, Zhuo Wei hugged him even tighter.

Guo Can was also speechless. I don't know why Qin Fan brought such a guy to the studio for an interview. Could it be because he was hugged?There is no way but to leave this trouble to him?
Guo Can thought so in his heart, and persuaded helplessly: "Can't you go back and do your live broadcast well? It's great to make money and face. What's so good about boosting? It's hard and tiring. Can't make any money."

"I don't care, I don't care, I will play power leveling here with you, and I will not let go if you don't accept me." Zhuo Wei was not confused by Guo Can's offensive words at all, and still hugged Guo Can tightly~ legs.

Guo Can is about to collapse, how can there be such a person in the world, who is still begging for nothing to play power leveling?I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it.

"Then you have to give me a reason to accept you. If I let you pass for no reason, then how can I convince people when recruiting people?" Guo Can said helplessly.

Zhuo Wei thought about it, and it was true, but he still didn't want to let go of Guo Can's big~leg, and tightly bound his leg, while thinking, he said: "I'm advertising for us in my live broadcast room." How about it, I have more than 100 million popularity."

"What our studio lacks most now is work. We can't do enough work. Otherwise, why would we hire people?" Guo Can shook his head.

"Well... I can play as a support, as a meat shield for you, as a level [-] bag, as a medical soldier or something." Zhuo Wei said.

"Professional assistance is available." Guo Can still shook his head.

"Ah... Brother Guo, am I not qualified to play as a support?" Zhuo Wei's self-esteem was hit hard again.

Guo Can sighed. Support requires a lot of awareness and cooperation, and it cannot be done well.

"I'm really convinced of you. How about this? You recommend a few players with special strengths to the studio. If anyone can enter, I'll keep you. This is the bottom line, and we can't let it go anymore." Guo Can said.

Zhuo Wei's eyes lit up all of a sudden. He has millions of friends, and there are also some players who often match together, and there are also some weird players. He immediately said excitedly: "Okay, then it's settled."

Finally, under Zhuo Wei's stalking, he managed to stay here. From an anchor earning 30 million a month, he worked hard to become a power leveling earning several thousand a month. He started working on the same day.

Qin Fan checked the accounts until late at night. Seeing that Zhuo Wei and these seven guys got along relatively well together, he left in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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