PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 311 Zhang Xue and Qin Fan's Cold War

Chapter 311 Zhang Xue and Qin Fan's Cold War

As soon as he went downstairs and returned home, Qin Fan heard a woman crying. This voice was definitely not Zhang Xue's. It sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

There was crying in Zhang Xue's bedroom, and the door was still tightly closed. Qin Fan glanced curiously, but did not open the door to look. His intuition told him that there was a troublesome woman inside, and the more he knew about it, the more he knew. less is better...

"It's boiled eggs." Qin Fan followed the scent all the way to the kitchen, sniffing the scent with his nose up and said, the pot was tightly covered, but he still smelled a little smell from the heat.

"Well, do you smell the fragrance?" Zhang Xue's smile was a bit sly.

Seeing this, Qin Fan immediately became vigilant, fearing that Zhang Xue would try to punish him, he took a few sniffs from a distance before walking forward and laughing: "It smells really good."

If he sniffs carefully, he will find that the egg still has the familiar Biluochun tea smell in it...

"Try one and see if you like it." Zhang Xue peeled an egg for him and handed it to his mouth to feed him.

The tempting fragrance made Qin Fan's mouth water almost, he took a bite without thinking, and said indistinctly: "It's delicious, it's really fragrant."

Qin Fan savored it carefully, and it was the first time Zhang Xue fed him, which immediately made him feel extremely happy.

"As long as you like it," Zhang Xue smiled happily, but no matter how you looked at this smile, Qin Fan felt that there was a hint of trickery being achieved.

"Did you do something shady with this egg, deliberately tempting me to eat it?" Qin Fan suddenly came to his senses, and cautiously probed.

Zhang Xue laughed and said: "The egg is a good egg, but I used a little bit of your Biluochun."

Hearing this, Qin Fan hurried to the bedroom to have a look, and immediately stood there in a daze, as if struck by lightning.

I saw only a small handful of tea leaves left in the large kraft paper, which was only enough for him to drink two cups. This is not a little used, obviously there is only a little bit left for me...

The tea leaves that Li Changxiao gave him were all top-grade Biluochun, which were not available in the market, and they would not be exchanged for the truly priceless things.But Zhang Xue, a stupid woman, actually used such good tea to cook tea eggs. This is not boiling eggs, it is clearly boiling gold!

"Hey, you prodigal bitch." Qin Fan sighed deeply, and silently wrapped up the last bit of tea, for fear that the last bit of tea would become damp and unusable.

Qin Fan sat on the sofa with a pained face and drank cold water. Every time he took a sip, he thought of his own tea, and then he thought of the eggs in the pot, and his heart dripped blood uncontrollably.

"Why don't you drink tea today?" Zhang Xue couldn't help asking in surprise when she saw Qin Fan drinking cold water for nothing.

Qin Fan snorted, turned his head and ignored her, like a little daughter-in-law who is angry but can't speak.

"Didn't it just use some of your tea? I've read it on the Internet. It's eight yuan a catty. Why don't I buy you ten catties to compensate you later?" Seeing that Qin Yimao was stingy again, Zhang Xue couldn't help but Pouted his lips, and said dissatisfied.

Zhang Xue's words almost made Qin Fan spit out a mouthful of old blood, eight yuan a catty of tea in exchange for my special top-grade Biluochun?Not to mention ten catties, I wouldn't change a thousand catties, and the taste of tea leaves that cost eight yuan a catty is not as good as cold, is this woman deliberately trying to mess with me...

'This woman must be trying to piss me off, and I must not let her succeed. "Qin Fan was really frustrated by Zhang Xue, and thought of such an excuse to try to heal his wounded heart.

Seeing that the cheapskate was still angry, Zhang Xue also became cold, sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone, ignoring him.

The two sat opposite each other without saying a word, the air seemed to be covered with a layer of ice...

(End of this chapter)

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