Chapter 343 The Uninvited Guest

During the seven-day National Day holiday, Qin Fan spent most of his time in the Star Club except for sleeping. Every day, he made an appointment to fight, and then pointed out the problems of the Tanlang team, and then they got to know each other.

After seven consecutive days of high-intensity combat, everyone in Tanlang was almost crushed, and Zhang Xue, who was the weakest, was almost beaten into a fool.

Zhang Xueyuan's training plan was basically qualified enough to be used for live broadcasting, but seeing the opportunity to compete with world-class teams, and Qin Fan's [-]/[-] on-the-spot guidance, she immediately chose to train for another seven days.

The result is obvious, the tactical cooperation has not learned much, and the people are beaten to the point of uselessness.

Everyone's talent has a limit, and some things can't be comprehended without thinking about them. Zhang Xue, an idiot game player, after learning some personal operations, simple tactical cooperation and awareness training, her knowledge critical point is It has become saturated, insisting on learning what you can't learn is asking for trouble...

The seven-day targeted training has ended, and the Tanlang team has made remarkable progress in attacking buildings, defending buildings, encounters, and positional warfare. Although they are still far from a world-class team, after these seven days of intensive training, they The tactical loopholes have become smaller and smaller.

And the basic skills of pulling guns have also made great progress. In this regard, the gap between them and the world's first-class teams is no longer large.

As a pre-war mobilization, Qin Fan decided to take them to a dinner before the game, to have fun and relax.

But this time they didn't go to the Hall of Heroes, because the Tanlang team didn't have a good record yet, so they didn't have the qualifications to enter the Hall of Heroes, so they could only go to another restaurant famous for its spicy crayfish.

This restaurant is not far from the Hall of Heroes, and it is also loved by professional e-sports players, but the difference is that most of the people who come here to eat are teams that cannot enter the Hall of Heroes, that is, the second-rate bottom-level teams and some third-rate teams in China player.

Of course, occasionally there are some first-rate teams and some high-end teams of the second-rate teams come here to eat, but relatively speaking, they still go to the Hall of Heroes more, after all, the food there is not only better, but also has more variety. Cheap and affordable.

The shop is small, but there are a lot of people, and the private rooms have already been occupied. Qin Fan and others can only choose a bigger table outside to squeeze.

"Xiaoxue? Brother Qin? What a coincidence, you guys are here to eat too." A woman walked towards them as she spoke.

Qin Fan and the others followed the prestige and saw a woman in a coquettish red dress, long hair shawl, snow-white complexion, and delicate makeup walking towards them.

"Yue Chunlan?" Zhang Xue asked in surprise, she didn't expect to meet her old classmates here.

Yue Chunlan didn't even look at Zhang Xue when she heard the words, her eyes couldn't help sizing up the seven people wearing the uniform of the Tanlang team uniform, her eyes wandered for a long time, then she sized up Li Changxiao and Qin Fan who were beside Zhang Xue, Xin said: "One of the five major clubs in Shanghai, the coach of the Star Club, it seems that Qin Fan is not bragging, he is indeed a master with an annual salary of tens of millions." '

Thinking of this in her heart, her face was full of smiles, she greeted Zhang Xue, hugged Zhang Xue's arm, and said in a delicate voice: "Xiaoxue, long time no see."

Although she was talking to Zhang Xue, the corner of her eyes was always on Qin Fan's body. With the swaying of her body, her proud chest brushed Qin Fan's arm "accidentally" from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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