PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 344 Li Changxiao's Embarrassment

Chapter 344 Li Changxiao's Embarrassment

Qin Fan frowned slightly, and silently moved his body back to avoid this woman's harassment. Yue Chunlan's expression froze when he saw this, and an unnoticed embarrassment flashed in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Qin Fan refused directly. her.

Seeing Qin Fan's embarrassment, Li Changxiao, who was sitting beside him, had a smirk on his lips, glanced teasingly at Qin Fan from time to time, and seemed to say again: "King, I didn't expect that you will have today, let you Show affection in our club every day, you deserve it. '

Qin Fan also noticed Li Changxiao's schadenfreude, he sneered in his heart, but said to Yue Chunlan with a chuckle on his face, "Let me introduce you, this is Li Changxiao, the head coach of our Star Club, my immediate boss. The leader of the competition circle is more than a star and a half higher than me."

When Li Changxiao heard this, the smirk on his face suddenly collapsed. This is really going to cause trouble. Lying is so natural. When will my status in the gaming circle be better than yours? .

Sure enough, when Yue Chunlan heard this, she immediately left Zhang Xue and Qin Fan behind, and looked at Li Changxiao with dazzling brilliance in her eyes: "It turns out that it is Head Coach Li, who is better known than meeting him. Yuxuanang." As he spoke, he leaned towards Li Changxiao.

Seeing Yue Chunlan's appearance of wanting to eat him, Li Changxiao couldn't help but shrink back and stared at Qin Fan. Threats turned a blind eye.

"Congratulations, my wife is coming soon. I'll go out and pick her up." Li Changxiao excused himself and was about to run away. Before he lifted his butt, he heard Qin Fan smirk and said:

"Hey? Coach Li, why don't we know about your wife?"

Sun Wood didn't know what happened yet, but when he heard such explosive news suddenly, he became excited and asked, "Coach, haven't you always been single? Show us your big villa every day and live alone in emptiness and loneliness." It's cold, you don't even have a girlfriend, where did you get a wife from?"

Li Changxiao: "..."

At this moment, Li Changxiao has 1 mothers in his heart, so it’s fine for Qin Fan to cheat him, even this little bastard is joining in the fun. At this time, Sun Wood’s dislike is infinitely equated with Zhang Dewei in Li Changxiao’s heart. .

Yue Chunlan laughed and said, "How about I go with Head Coach Li?"

Li Changxiao laughed dryly, and said again and again: "No need, no need. She probably hasn't arrived yet, let's talk about it later."

As I said this, I was filled with remorse, "I already knew that King is not a good guy, so why provoke him..."

Yue Chunlan laughed even happier when she heard this, and even prepared to move a chair to sit beside Li Changxiao.

"Chunlan, did you come here alone?" Zhang Xue didn't see what was going on right now, and still naively thought that Yue Chunlan came here because of her.

When Zhang Xue reminded her, the flattering expression on Yue Chunlan's face froze for a moment, and she was dazzled by Qin Fan's arrival just now, and only then remembered that she was here with her friends and another team, and how many people in that team were there? This team member is quite interesting to her, if she sees her running to Team Tanlang again, something will happen to her.

However, this sense of guilt only lingered in her heart for a moment and then disappeared. Anyway, although the team heard that the strength is not bad, but in terms of status, background, and financial resources, it is still far behind the stars of one of the five major clubs in Shanghai. Woolen cloth.

However, she is an outsider after all. If she does not enter this circle, she will never understand the unspoken rules in the e-sports circle.

It is always strength that determines the status of a team. For example, the former Caesars, such as 4AM, they have no background, but their status and reputation in the e-sports circle are resounding.

Of course, if the difference between strength and status is too far from its background, it will be coveted by powerful consortiums, such as Caesars, which is a living example, and will be directly removed by the consortia secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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