Chapter 345 HY Team
The status of the team is always determined on the field, and the Greedy Wolf team without any record, no matter how strong the background is, in the eyes of other teams, they are still a new team. As long as they can't show convincing records, they will Always the newcomer, always the underdog.

Qin Fan and the others didn't notice that while Yue Chunlan was chatting with them, the atmosphere at a table with four men and two women sitting five meters away had started to turn cold.

"Which team is that from?" A young man with a horse face sitting in the middle of the table looked at Yue Chunlan who was sticking to Li Changxiao's side, and asked coldly, his eyes were full of jealousy and resentment.

"do not know."

"never seen it."

"It's probably a new team." The members of the HY team said one after another.

The horse-faced youth looked at the two girls sitting at the same table and asked, "Are those people your friends?"

The two girls shook their heads: "What about them, they don't know each other, we eat ours."

After finally meeting a professional team, Yue Chunlan stole the limelight. At this time, Yue Chunlan was gone, and it was too late for the two of them to be happy.

However, the horse-faced youth snorted coldly and said, "Since we don't know each other, then everything is easy to talk about."

After saying that, he took three teammates and walked over to Li Changxiao's table. It's nothing more than a new team. How dare they rob a woman, especially a woman they all have a crush on?

Li Changxiao and the others were chatting, when suddenly a group of young people in uniforms surrounded them. Qin Fan and the others looked up, only to see that the four people in front of them were all wearing the uniforms of the HY team. Those who are not good.

"Which team? You don't know how to greet you when you see seniors?" The horse-faced youth swaggered over, put his hands on Luo Tianzheng's shoulders, and said arrogantly.

"The current rookies really don't understand the rules."

"That's right, don't you know how to say hello when you meet senior?"


Several people said to Qin Fan and others one by one, and looked at Yue Chunlan proudly while talking, as if they wanted to tell her that we are much better than this team, and we are your best. good choice.

However, Yue Chunlan didn't even look at them. At this time, she only had Li Changxiao and Qin Fan, two big families with an annual salary of tens of millions, and she was not an insider. too much.

The four members of the HY team put down their bold words, but no one at this table paid any attention to them, not even Yue Chunlan, the object of their performance.

Seeing this situation, they couldn't help but feel embarrassed, making them feel like they were playing with an ax at the door of the class, and they couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment. The hand of the horse-faced youth on Luo Tianzheng's shoulder also exerted strength, pinching Luo Tianzheng's shoulder tightly.

Among Tanlang, Luo Tianzheng is the most talented, and the one with the strongest personal strength. He was so provoked by this guy at this time, how can he accept it? In terms of strength and status, why do you think you are stronger than our Tanlang team."

The horse-faced youth suddenly realized when he heard the words: "Who am I? It turns out to be the Greedy Wolf team of the Star Club."

Several teammates of Team HY laughed loudly when they heard the words: "I said, why are you so blind? It turns out that it belongs to Team Xingchen."

"It's at this time and you dare to form a new team. You are not afraid that Xingchen's reputation will be lost by you? Hahahaha."

"I really don't know where you got the courage to challenge us. How can we say that our HY team has participated in several national competitions. How can it be compared to young stubbles like you who have no competition experience?"

(End of this chapter)

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