Chapter 355 P City

So Sun Wood said weakly again: "No."

As soon as these two words were blurted out, all the first-line teams were disappointed. Even Wei Shen felt aggrieved by these seven guys who were considered to be half juniors, and cursed in his heart: "How can the king bring out such a useless man?" The team of the team was pointed at their noses and provoked, but they dared not take up the challenge. '

The other teams also felt deep disdain, and there was a lot of discussion.

"You're so cowardly, you're so useless to grandma's house."

"What kind of profession are you so cowardly? Let's go home and play with mud."

"It's a live broadcast after all, and I still know what I'm like. It's quite interesting." The captain of the 17S team smiled playfully, and his voice was full of sarcasm.

At this time, the fire in Hei Ying's heart was surging to the extreme. He didn't expect Greedy Wolf to be so cowardly. He secretly felt worthless for Qin Fan's team. He was about to scold Sun Wood again when he listened to Sun Wood. Then said weakly:

"Our coach said that you are too strong in a place like Port G. We Tanlang are not sure of winning against you in Port G for the time being, so we set the jumping point for the first game at..." Sun Wood paused when he said this, and secretly glanced at the 17S team in the distance, because P City is the development point of 17S.

Hearing that Tanlang wanted to report their jumping points, all the teams listened attentively. The development points of each team here are very clear to each other, only Tanlang, a new team, they don't know, and they filled it in as a new one for this competition. The fat meat is naturally easy to be coveted. In the eyes of others, they are just like walking points.

"Where is it?" Black Eagle narrowed his eyes slightly, insisting on forcing Sun Wood to speak out, because he couldn't see such a hesitant person.

"P City." Sun Wood said weakly, still lowering his eyebrows and pleasing to the eye.

"What?" The captain of the 17s team couldn't sit still immediately, his ass seemed to be spring-loaded, and he jumped up immediately, exclaiming.

He was just mocking the Greedy Wolf team for being self-aware, knowing that they were weak, and not daring to accept the challenge, but he found out that the new team actually picked P City of their 17S team.

"Where did he say they danced just now?" Some people felt as if they were hallucinating, and quickly asked their teammates.

"It seems to be P City, I'm not sure..." His teammates were also confused, and couldn't believe their ears, let alone Sun Wood's words.

Sun Wood's description seemed to make people feel very weak, but his words caused turmoil in everyone's heart.

A new team dares to jump into a place like P City, it is simply too ambitious. Don't say that P City was originally the development point of the first-line strong team of 17S. If only P City is a fierce place, no one wants to occupy it. can occupy.

Even if it was 17s, they chose P City because they had no fat points to jump on. It really made them defend this place from beginning to end, and they would not dare to give them ten more courage.

However, this new team is going to jump to P city in the first game, it really doesn't know how to live or die.

"Are they looking for death? How dare they jump into P City?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't overestimate your own capabilities, whoever wants to go to P city can go."

They don't think that Tanlang's jumping into P city is a symbol of strength, at most it's just a sensationalist, wanting to jump to this most eye-catching place, to increase exposure and hype capital for their team.

But this is not a bad thing for the major first-line teams. Although Tanlang did not go to Port G to disrupt the rhythm of the LSJ team, it is also good to be able to jump to P City to disrupt the rhythm of the 17S team.

"Heh...hahaha." Hei Ying snorted softly at first, then seemed unable to suppress the excitement in his heart, and laughed presumptuously, which immediately shocked the contestants. Fortunately, they have long been used to black Ying's unrestrained temperament is nothing more than a lot of discussion in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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