Chapter 356 17S
"What can make senior so happy." Sun Wood said weakly, still with a humble look, but now that this description falls into the eyes of Black Hawk, there is no feeling of cowardice, on the contrary, it is a bit cheap and skinny The sense of arrogance is similar to Caesar's former observer, Liu Dafo, known as SKYEYE.

"Good boy, dare to jump into P city, greedy wolf is greedy enough, I like it." Black Eagle patted Sun Wood heavily on the shoulder. Every member of Caesars team always adhered to Qin Fan's training standards, and practiced every morning, especially paying attention to it. The strength and endurance training of the forearm and forearm is so powerful, Sun Wood's shoulders suddenly tilted down with this slap.

Sun Wood didn't dare to resist, so he leaned his body like this, and still said weakly: "Our coach said that people must be killed, power must be established, and championships must be won."

"Okay, okay, hahaha... My brother Black Eagle wants to be so high-profile and arrogant. If anyone refuses to accept it, just beat him to the end." Black Eagle laughed loudly.

The members of the Greedy Wolf team stared at each other, and asked each other with their eyes: "Has Coach Qin said such a thing? Isn't the coach always putting goals first and killing people second?"When did you say such arrogant words? '

Although Qin Fan has done what the Black Eagle said, for example, he taught a lesson to the Korean team that didn't have eyesight, but he never said such a thing, he has always focused on accomplishing the goal first~ Principles, all other irrelevant things can be sidelined.

For example, in this game, winning the championship is the first goal, and Liwei is the second goal. Naturally, winning the championship is the first and killing people is the second. There is no such good fruit as the Black Hawk.

"Tell your coach to come out." The captain of the 17S team led the team members and walked towards them aggressively. It's not good to dance. You have to dance their 17s. Do you think their 17s are easy to bully?

"Why do you call them coaches? Just tell me if you have something to do." Hei Ying crossed his arms, with a bit of disdain at the corners of his mouth, and led the seven members of the LSJ team to step forward one after another, standing directly on the team of Tanlang. In front, stop the eight members of the 17S team.

The members of the 17S team saw that the unlucky "spirit" suddenly stood up for the greedy wolf. They were surprised, but also a little bit afraid. During the last national competition, they said a few bad things about He Xiaoqing, and it was reported to the In Hei Ying's ears, the way to escape the poison was directly blocked by this "sha god". The four-member team that was excitedly rushing to eat chicken, was stunned by Hei Ying who killed three people in the middle of the road alone. .

The captain of the 17S team who finally ran away was also chased by the Black Hawk all the way to the finals. In the end, the Black Hawk took the risk of exposing his position and shot him in the head, making the Black Hawk the No. [-] in Asia alone The title of sniper, seeing Black Hawk again at this time, they are somewhat afraid in their hearts, but the fear is the fear, and they still want to get the justice they deserve. After all, they are still the first-class team in the country. If it is a fair fight, Never lose to the Blackhawks again.

Thinking of this, the captain of the 17S team felt confident, looked at Black Eagle and said, "Li Buba, you are from the Pharaoh Club, why did you start to work for the Star Club? Could it be that you secretly took money from the Star Club?" .”

The captain of the 17S team sneered, with every word in his heart, Black Eagle is fearless, but he has a weakness, that is, he is too arrogant. Because of his arrogance, he loves his feathers exceptionally. Black Eagle either admits that he has received Xingchen's money to continue to protect Tanlang, or walk away and let them 17S face this young stubble face to face with Tanlang.

(End of this chapter)

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