PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 371 1 Separation by the Wall

Chapter 371

But at this moment, she felt that the Tanlang she saw didn't look like a new team at all. Her intuition after studying many large-scale games told her that Tanlang was not that simple, but if she was asked to tell what is wrong with Tanlang Simple, she didn't know where to start.

She just felt that this team was just as good as any first-class team in China, and even slightly better.

But she is still a rookie after all. If Zhang Xue, who has experienced Qin Fan's devil training, is here, she will definitely be able to pass a team's marching distance, tactical details, mutual cooperation, execution ability, flexibility, etc. On the one hand, analyze the pros and cons of this team.

In fact, Zhang Xue did exactly that at this time. She was also watching the match in Douyu at the same time. Where are the tactics, staffing, and hard power of the team stronger than other teams, and where are their weaknesses.

Although her professional knowledge is very lacking, it is more than enough to explain to the water friends. Under her embarrassing forced explanation, there are really a group of water friends who were successfully fooled by her serious appearance and began to look forward to it. Greedy wolf performance.

"There's something about this female commentator." Qin Fan, who was sitting on the bench seat, also heard the female commentator's point of view, and smiled at Li Changxiao beside him.

He dared to go against the trend when the public opinion was on one side, saying that Tanlang would win, either because he wanted to take the opportunity to hype himself to attract people's attention, or because he really saw Tanlang's strength.Whether it is the former or the latter, it shows that this female commentator is not simple.

"Well, there is something." Li Changxiao stared at the female commentator on the commentary screen, and nodded very seriously.

Qin Fan glanced at him in surprise, thinking that this guy who doesn't understand guns can see that this female anchor is unusual?It seems that this old Li also has something...

If he knew where Li Changxiao's focus was, Qin Fan probably wouldn't think so.

"Is it finally going to happen?" Qin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng on the big screen.

The two of them had already heard the beast's footsteps, and they already knew which house the beast was in and which floor it was on.This is the benefit of Qin Fan's listening and position identification training. Although they can't judge the opponent's exact position by footsteps like Qin Fan, they can already make a rough judgment.

And the beast obviously heard their footsteps and judged their approximate location. At this time, it has also entered a state of alert, crouching under the window of the second-floor staircase of a two-story double-balcony building, looking at it from the perspective of God. Through the window to detect the accurate movement of the enemy.

At this moment, the audience was dead silent, everyone held their breath, and didn't even blink their eyes, because there was only a wall between the two members of Tanlang and the beast, and the battle could break out at any time.

Professional players' operations are extremely fast, and they may miss a series of wonderful operations in the blink of an eye, so in this situation, they must not miss a single bit.

Even the audience was already nervous like this, not to mention Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng, who participated in the national competition for the first time, and their palms began to sweat from the nervousness of the first firefight in the first world competition.

"Old Sun, are you nervous?" Luo Tianzheng stared at the screen without blinking, and suddenly asked Sun Wood.

"Nonsense, I'm so nervous that I want to pee my pants." Maybe Sun Wood didn't notice that when he was talking just now, even his teeth were chattering slightly.

He usually seldom swears, but at this time he couldn't help scolding his mother because he was too nervous. At this moment, only swearing can make him feel relieved of the pressure in his heart.

At this moment of great attention, success and fame and eternal infamy are all within a single thought, and the excessive pressure makes them extremely nervous, although they all believe in their own strength.

"Old Luo, how about you, are you nervous?" Sun Wood asked Luo Tianzheng, a guy who likes to pretend to be cool, while staring at the screen, observing the opponent's dynamics from the perspective of God, trying to get more accurate information about the enemy.

"Why are you nervous? I'm invincible in the world. I'm not nervous at all." Luo Tianzheng's expression was still incomparably cold, but his trouser legs, which had been wiped with sweat from his palms, and the wildness of his words revealed his true mood. .

"Cut, as long as you can pretend, I'm going to shake my legs nervously when I set up guns for you in the back." Sniper Wei Xing curled his lips, and unceremoniously dismantled Luo Tianzheng's platform.

"Hehehe." Wang Xiaofei, who was protecting Wei Xing on the first floor of the next room, couldn't help laughing when he heard the words. He always complained that the supply soldiers didn't have a sense of presence, and the statistics after each game were poor, but at this time he But I feel extremely happy, because he is the only one who doesn't have to stare at people all the time, and feels extremely relaxed.

"Laughing Nima criticizes laughing, you are going to hang yourself in the sky, afraid of a ball, listen to my order, count down to three, and start attacking the building." Sun Wood yelled and started counting down.



(End of this chapter)

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