Chapter 372
"Fuck~ him" Sun Wood ordered, and all members of Tanlang went into high gear to prepare for the battle.

Sniper Wei Xing targeted the opponent's enemy with guns on the second-floor double balcony near the police post, Wang Xiaofei helped Wei Xing guard the surrounding situation, and Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng launched an attack on the enemy in the room.

The attackers are always the weak side. If they attack the building by force, the people in the building have ten thousand ways to kill them, and they can only use grenades to compress the opponent's activity area and outwit them.

Yang Yang: "The two sides are now in a confrontation stage. Will the beast occupying the second-floor double-balcony building attack first, or the Tanlang will forcefully attack the building? Let's..., Tanlang attacked, my God, Tanlang actually We must forcibly attack the building that 17S is defending."

Before Yang Yang's suspense unfolded, he saw Sun Wood switch out a grenade, walked out of the bunker, and threw the grenade into the balcony on the second floor.

"How dare you take the initiative to attack, who gave you the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard." The beast sneered, and the moment Sun Wood walked out of the bunker, he got up and tried to knock Sun Wood down, but he was kicked by Luo Tianzheng just as he was halfway up. Three bursts of shoulder shots hit the head, and he became half blood in an instant. Fortunately, he was fast enough to retreat to the cover in time, otherwise Luo Tianzheng would have taken him away on the spot.

"Damn it, these two vegetables know how to cooperate." Not only did the beast attack fail, but it also suffered a loss at the hands of the greedy wolf he had always looked down upon.

" interesting." Yang Yang was also surprised by the seamless cooperation between Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng. Sun Wood didn't suffer any damage after throwing the grenade, but even beat the beast to half blood.

Not only Yang Yang was surprised by this, the audience was also speechless by the seamless cooperation of these two people, asking themselves that there was nothing to criticize in this wave of cooperation.

But the seamless cooperation in their eyes is full of loopholes in the eyes of the Tanlang team members.

"Mo Dan, your hands are sweating too much, the mouse is slipping, otherwise you can kill him with a headshot in just three shots at once." Luo Tianzheng was very annoyed.

"Food is food, so there are so many excuses." Sun Wood said with a smirk, Luo Tian is the person with the strongest personal strength in their team, and finally had the opportunity to tease him, so of course he couldn't let it go.

Luo Tianzheng let out a cold snort and ignored him. He had already heard the sound of eating a healing pack on the second floor opposite, so he immediately cut out the grenade, set the clock, and was about to throw it over.

"It's a pity that the grenade was missed, and it was thrown on the balcony, otherwise this grenade would have forced the beast out." The commentator Yang Yang said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of glass shattering again, and realized that Luo Tianzheng had also thrown a grenade, the target was the lobby on the second floor. This grenade was pinched in his hand for two seconds before throwing it out. Seeing where the grenade landed, Yang Yang suddenly realized, understood the details of Tanlang's grenade throwing, and quickly exclaimed: "They are not simply trying to force the beast out of the bunker, they are trying to drive the beast from the second floor. Come down and fight them head-on, these two guys are so confident that they want to fight the beast, have they ever had a fight?"

Forced by the two grenades, the beast could only forcefully move and change the defensive location. At this time, there were grenades on the balcony and he could not go to the second floor. He could only choose to jump out of the window or go down to the first floor to meet Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng just shot.

Going downstairs through the window will lose the cover, and it is difficult to perform stable output during the air period. The risk is too great. The beast can only press the jump button, jump down the stairs, squat under the window on the first floor, and use the window on the first floor as a cover with the two of them. Just shot.

It took less than a second for the jump to land. If Qin Fan was here, he would definitely seize this opportunity and knock him down instantly. However, Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng's reaction speed was not so fast. They missed this opportunity and let the beast succeed. Hiding under the window on the first floor.

"You have two on the opposite side of the road, both of which are on the second floor of the semi-open building across the road." Wei Xing reminded.

"We can't wait any longer. There is only one person in this building. Wei Xing stared at the three of them to death. Luo Tianzheng and I sealed the smoke and killed this lone wolf." Sun Wood said, and directly sealed the space between the two houses with smoke bombs. space between.

(End of this chapter)

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