PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 373 Appearance!big jump ahead gun

Chapter 373 Appearance!big jump ahead gun
"Want to kill me by force? Can you do it?" Beast saw the intention of the two of them, and while continuing to take drugs to replenish his status, he turned on the open microphone and sneered, his tone extremely contemptuous.

Even though he was blocked in the room by Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng and couldn't move, he still didn't panic at all. This was the pride of a first-class professional powerhouse. Facing the newcomers Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng, he had enough sense of superiority and confidence. Looking down.

"So it's Captain Beast, okay, you'll know right away." Sun Wood also opened the microphone.

As soon as the voice fell, the smoke had already filled up with the continuous sound of "嗤嗤", completely covering the open space.

"Old Luo, finish him within 2 minutes. You go around and enter the room to make a surprise attack, and I will guard here." Sun Wood said, taking the initiative to kill him requires a lot of personal strength. Now is not the time to pretend, Luo Tianzheng's main assault is obviously more suitable than him.

"Received." After saying that, Luo Tian was climbing over the wall and heading straight for the gate of this two-story double-balcony building. At this time, once the beast stood up and attacked, he would definitely fall. He didn't even look at the window, because he believed that Sun Wood behind him could help him set up the gun.

Seeing that the two dared to split up, Beast couldn't help but sneered again: "SOLO? You're asking for your own death. You'll feel like you've kicked an iron plate in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Luo Tianzheng's footsteps approaching his door, followed by a 'squeak' sound of the door opening.

Before seeing the figure, the beast did not hesitate to start the pre-emptive snatching, instantly smashing the middle part of the door to pieces, and the wall was lined with bullet holes shot by UZI in his hand, but he did not see this Luo Tianzheng, who should have fallen to the ground...

The beast's eyes couldn't help but widen, with a slightly flustered expression.

UZI's rate of fire is too fast, and all the bullets in the clip are emptied in an instant. At this moment, life and death are in seconds, and he has no time to change bullets. Luo Tianzheng who came in.

Luo Tianzheng's uninterrupted footsteps were heard frequently outside the door, but it was a long time before he entered the door and made a sudden attack. The chaotic footsteps made the beast feel like its claws were scratching its heart, and it wished to rush out and have sex with Luo Tianzheng.

But he didn't dare to get up. Once he got up, he would face the enemy from the front and back, and at the same time, he would be hit hard by Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng. A teammate can continue to hold a gun for him across the road, and he has a way out again.

Seeing that the 'chi chi' sound of the smoke bomb has become weaker and weaker, and the smoke is gradually dissipating, Luo Tianzheng is still lingering outside the door. The corner of Fan's mouth curled into a smile, very satisfied with Luo Tianzheng's performance.

Just as Captain Beast was itching unbearably, the sound of footsteps outside the door stopped suddenly, and Beast frowned slightly, thinking inwardly: "This guy won't fight anymore? '

As soon as this idea came to his mind, he saw a black shadow flying in with an arc in the air, and at the same time, there was also the howling, spitting yellow flame in the black shadow's hand~ black rifle.

The rate of fire of the M16A4 is extremely fast, and the bullets "swish, swish" are fired at the beast. At this moment, the flame is like the fire of hell that kills people in the eyes of the beast.

"Ah..." The beast turned pale with fright, and the extreme fear made him scream uncontrollably. At this time, it was too late to even aim the machine, so he could only shoot from the waist and directly pull the trigger to fight back at the black shadow. .

However, it was too late, and he was too flustered. Although the distance was close, the four bullets he fired only hit one shot, and then he collapsed to the ground, with red blood lines constantly flashing It is extraordinarily eye-catching and dazzling, as if mocking the pride and arrogance of the beast.

"Big jump and shoot ahead..." The audience exclaimed, and the two commentators also fell silent for a rare moment, staring blankly at Luo Tianzheng in the lower right corner of the big screen, his expression as indifferent as ever.

"You're really weak." Luo Tian was turning on the open mic, with a cold and flat tone.

After today, no matter what the outcome of this match is, Luo Tianzheng must be famous among the first-line domestic professional players, and this credit is due to his hard work and the cooperation of his teammates on the one hand, and on the other hand, I would like to thank Qin Fanjiao for giving him a weakened version of the big jump gun.

(End of this chapter)

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