Chapter 379 The Battle Begins

The sound of the gun was crisp and sweet, exactly the sound of Wei Xing's 98K.

"What are you doing?" Sun Wood was startled when he heard the gunshot, and then found that Wei Xing fired the shot, but he didn't see the system's knockdown prompt for a long time. He couldn't help being surprised. Wei Xing was trained by Coach Qin , The sniper rifle is better than all of them, how can it be empty at such a short distance.

Luo Tianzheng and the others also looked at Wei Xing in bewilderment, Wei Xing laughed dryly, and said awkwardly: "I'm too nervous, I accidentally lost my temper."

"Damn it." All three of them were sullen.Seeing that the HY team couldn't hold back, their nerves were already highly tense. Just now it was clearly not the time to attack, but they suddenly heard a gunshot. They thought it was a sniper from the 17S team and almost missed them. I fell over in fright.

"The HY team is not a big threat, mainly 17S. They may come to me ~, but they may also take advantage of the HY team holding my gap to outflank you. Be careful." Sun Wood said.

"If they detour from the right room to the other side of the slope to attack you, our firepower will not be able to support you." Wei Xing frowned slightly, reminding Sun Wood.

Sun Wood's face was a bit dignified, and after a moment of contemplation, he sighed and said: "Sometimes I really want to change my mind with Coach Qin. If I use his brain, he will definitely be able to guess which tactics the 17S team will use."

Among Greedy Wolf, he is already considered the person with the most delicate mind and the best view of the overall situation, but after all, he is a bit inferior in terms of combat experience and combat strength, and he can't think about everything comprehensively.

What Sun Wood is most worried about now is that 17S, who has always been aggressive, will forcefully attack Wei Xing or Luo Tianzheng when he is entangled by the HY team. All lost.No matter which one is breached, the whole army will be wiped out in the end, and then the vehicle they have guarded for so long has also fulfilled 17S, which is too bad...

He is the commander of the team, and what he needs to consider is the survival possibility of the majority of the team. In this situation, he must either sacrifice himself for Wei Xing and the others, or let everyone die together. Of course he chose the former.

If Qin Fan faced an opponent of the same level here, he would definitely adjust his tactics and adjust the gun line to face the next possible situation, minimize possible risks, and at the same time maximize the output of his teammates change.Because Qin Fan's first consideration is not how to protect himself, but how to maximize the annihilation of the enemy.

Use tactics to use the standard firepower of a four-man team to achieve the effect of two teams, or even three teams. The best defense is to beat the enemy until they cannot attack. This is not radical, but a more advanced tactical idea.

It's a pity that Sun Wood is not Qin Fan. His experience, IQ, EQ, and flexibility cannot support him to come up with such a tactic, so he was trained by Qin Fan for a month, and let the world's top teams give them one by one. After being a training partner for half a month, Sun Wood is still at the captain level of a second-rate team in the world.

Wei Xing's empty shot not only scared Sun Wood and the others, but Team HY and Team 17S were also terrified. They thought they had been exposed to the sight of Greedy Wolf snipers. The tentative firefights and mutual suppression some time ago In the middle, Wei Xing, the sniper, caused a great shadow in their hearts. When the gunshots sounded, someone would fall down, so even if Wei Xing fired an empty shot at this time, they would still be nervous for a long time.

Seeing that the system did not prompt the knockdown information, they were relieved and continued to act.

The smoke bombs of the HY team threw out all the only four smoke bombs. The smoke lined up in a long line and spread to the abandoned cars and trees on the northwest side of the church. They were also trying to find a suitable bunker angle. Attack, once they successfully pull the gun line, Sun Wood's position will be very awkward, and he has to face many people at the same time.





The grenade was thrown into the smoke like Chinese cabbage on the rotten street. Sun Wood couldn't judge their exact position in the smoke from the sound of their footsteps, so he could only use the grenade to block their movement and force them to come out. This is the most stupid and the most effective way.

(End of this chapter)

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