Chapter 380 Cannon Fodder
In the smog, everyone in the HY team couldn't judge the exact location of the grenade, so they could only rely on their ears to judge the approximate location of the grenade and avoid it.

Sun Wood threw six grenades in a row, but none of them were knocked down. However, it affected them somewhat and lost a lot of blood, thus successfully blocking them and preventing them from running behind the bunker before the smoke dissipated.

Once the smoke cleared and they couldn't get into the bunker, they could wait for Sunwood to hide behind the bunker and call their names one by one.

The members of the HY team naturally knew this truth, the striker, the assaulter, and the freeman, the three of them were carrying guns at this time, running crazily in the smoke like they were dying.

"The striker stopped where he was, just shoot him, and hold him first." The captain of the HY team saw that the smoke was getting thinner, and their shadows were almost visible, so he hurriedly shouted anxiously.

The striker was taken aback when he heard the words, he was going to be a scapegoat, but he is a member of the HY team after all, so what can he do if he is dissatisfied, he can only reluctantly rush out of the smoke, like a moth to a flame.

However, he had just aimed at Sun Wood, and before he could shoot, he heard a crisp gunshot.

"It's that sniper again..." Before the thought was fully formed in his mind, he saw the green helmet on his head fly upside down, and immediately knelt down in the direction of Sun Wood.

The whole process was smooth and flowing, as if his purpose of running out of the smoke was to catch Wei Xing's shot, as if to kowtow to Sun Wood, Wei Xing's sniper level had been greatly improved after being taught by Qin Fan.

I dare not say that guns and guns at this extreme distance of 1000 meters can hit or headshot, but there is no problem with 1000K within 98 meters, but he has only adapted to the trajectory of 98K during this period of time. He was not trained, because a qualified sniper has to learn too much.

The skills of the sniper position itself are more than half of those of other positions. If you want to become a qualified sniper, if you don't put in a lot of effort in this area, or you are very keen on the trajectory of the sniper, and your understanding of the sniper Very deep, otherwise it is impossible to be a sniper.

But it's not that Wei Xing's talent is better than Sun Wood and Luo Tianzheng's. In fact, their talents are not much different. Even the most talented Luo Tianzheng is not much better than others. So we let Wei Xing be the sniper because of his character, he is peaceful, he doesn't show his edge, he is willing to hide, and he dares to show his sword.

Character and talent are hard to say which is good and which is bad. For a person, both of them are very important. For example, Black Hawk, he has a super talent, but unfortunately his character is too bad, so even if he tries his best, he can't make it. Asia, can't become a world-class player, the final goal and talent are not so good, but Wei Xing has an excellent personality... almost, even slightly inferior.

Because those who are slightly less talented can shorten the gap as much as possible by doubling training, but the flaws in character... can't be cured.

The striker of the HY team knelt down on the ground, but Sun Wood, the object of his salute, didn't even look at him from the beginning to the end. He raised his gun and opened the mirror, just about to shoot at the shadow in the smoke.

Then he saw another person running out of the smoke, with the gun pointed at him, and Sun Wood suddenly realized that these people must have been pushed out by the captain of the HY team to block the gun, and the person still in the smoke must have been in the restaurant before. Had a quarrel with them, and was later bullied by Wei Shen as the captain of the HY team.

Sun Wood suddenly realized, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, he finally fell into my hands, and I will take care of you later.

Thinking like this in my heart, I aimed the crosshairs of the magnifying glass at the HY team members who rushed out of the smoke and tried to kill him. Looking at his equipment, Sun Wood was amused. A red dot UMP is more than 200 meters away. Still want to do it with me~?
(End of this chapter)

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