Chapter 398 Here Comes
The crowd at the exit was bustling. Although their idols hadn’t come out yet, they had already started cheering. The shouts kept coming and going. Every group of fans were competing with each other. Qin Fan led Huang Yiming and others stood quietly. A place with few people on the side of the road.

It was really embarrassing for Zheng Zexian to be alone in the coffee shop, and he followed Qin Fan and the others from a distance, and looked at Qin Fan's back with sinister eyes from time to time. If his eyes could turn into knives, Qin Fan might It's all overdue.

It's a pity that he can't, he can only be ignored by everyone, and he is sullen all by himself, playing with himself.

Suddenly, the shouting somewhere in the crowd suddenly increased several decibels, and a group of people wanted to shout at the throat:

"Come on LGD, you are the best."

"Xin, I love you."


A group of people shouted and squeezed towards the LGD team. They all wanted to be the first to squeeze in, and asked for a few more autographs. It would be even better if they could take a group photo. The reporters around the team were almost squeezed out by them.

Qin Fan has been standing by the side of the road, motionless, Huang Yiming and others are not in a hurry, standing behind Qin Fan and waiting silently.

Zheng Zexian became interested when he saw this, he laughed and said, "So what if you were Kaiser's substitute in the past, but now you are still a trash booster, now and then, you still think you are playing with the king, everyone is in awe of you? Leaving the king, leaving Caesar, you are a fart, who will take care of you?"

Huang Yiming gave him a cold look and said, "Primary school boy, keep some virtue in your mouth."

Zheng Zexian shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more.

Huang Yiming and the others couldn't stop beating drums in their hearts. What Zheng Zexian said was not unreasonable. Today's e-sports circle is utilitarian. No matter how good a professional player is, if he leaves the e-sports circle, he has no use value. Even if he is a king, he leaves the e-sports circle Circle, I am afraid it will be difficult to turn over.

Everyone was thinking about it, but Qin Fan's cell phone rang suddenly. Qin Fan picked it up and saw that it was Li Changxiao's call.

"I'm on the side of the road, come here." Qin Fan said, and hung up the phone directly.

Huang Yiming and others immediately became interested when they heard the words, and asked one after another: "Is it the phone number of God Black Eagle?"

Zheng Zexian also panicked, and quickly pricked up his ears to listen quietly.

"No." Qin Fan said.

"Okay." Everyone was immediately discouraged.

Zheng Zexian also sneered, pointing at the Greedy Wolf team who had just come out of the exit and was tightly surrounded by three layers inside and outside: "Look at them, they entered the circle much later than you, and they are even worse than you. Well, you are not even as good as a group of juniors in the e-sports circle, and I feel ashamed for you."

"Zheng Zexian, you are enough." Yue Lingzi said displeased.

Tanlang participated in the first round of the national competition for the first time, and got a good result of six kills and ranked third. The key point is that four of the six kills were the heads of the 17S team, all of which were hard work. It can be said that it became famous in the first battle.

And its tough style has also won the love of many audiences, becoming the biggest dark horse in this competition. Naturally, there are crowds of reporters and fans.

Then I saw that Tanlang and his team declined all interviews, and said that they would not accept any interviews until they won the national championship.

Seeing this, Zheng Zexian taunted again: "Look at them, this is the demeanor of a strong team. The goal is to be the national champion when they debut. Unlike someone who can only rely on booster training to dawdle."

Huang Yiming and the others couldn't refute it either. The fact is that Tanlang's battle strength is there, and Qin Fan's situation is indeed like this.Just as everyone was thinking in this way, they suddenly found that the whole square suddenly fell silent, as if all the fans had been frozen.

Soon after, the seven members of the Tanlang team who had declined all interviews and autographs came towards them, even the head coach of Tanlang came along.

(End of this chapter)

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