Chapter 399 Good Coach

"Who are those people? Tanlang went straight to them."

"I don't know, maybe it's the logistics team of Greedy Wolf or their friends."

"Think too much, maybe people just pass by them."


Fans whispered, Tanlang has become the focus of this competition, but the team they are flocking to has rejected their request for autographs, and even refused interviews with reporters. Suspicious about the identity of the man.

"Hey, hey, Greedy Wolf team is here, should we say something?" Seeing the most eye-catching dark horse in this game coming towards them, Huang Yiming didn't dare to move at this moment, staring blankly. Tanlang, who was getting closer, whispered.

"What are you talking about, they didn't come here specifically to find us, did they?" Yue Lingzi whispered.

"Probably not, probably passing by." Vice President Zhou Chunhua, who was usually very calm, also seemed a little nervous at this time.

"Why don't you just say something about it?" Wu Shanshan also said cautiously.

In the four people's broken thoughts, the distance between the Tanlang seven and them was getting closer and closer, but they didn't notice that Qin Fan, who was beside them, had silently lowered the brim of his hat, trying to cover his face.

And the few people who have lost confidence in Qin Fan's influence in the e-sports circle, it is even more impossible to think that the reason why Tanlang rejected all the autographs and interviews is because Qin Fan taught them a lesson.

'You don't deserve to be idols until you're a world-class team. '

So they turned down all the interviews, turned down all the signings because they weren't a world-class team yet and they didn't feel like they deserved it.

Greedy wolf is coming, the string in Huang Yiming's and others' hearts can no longer be stretched, a group of people seem to have lost their reason, rushing forward in a swarm, squeezing Qin Fan to the back, even Zheng Zexian He rushed forward desperately, wanting an autograph.

So far, no one has Tanlang's autograph. If one of them can get one, it will be the first autograph of the future champion. What a commemorative thing this is.

"God L, please sign for me." Zheng Zexian shouted as he was pushed to the back by the crowd, raising his hands high.

Luo Tian is fighting to become a god in this competition, because his initials is L, so fans call him L God.Luo Tianzheng had a cold face at this time, he didn't even look at Zheng Zexian, he was arrogantly cold to the extreme.However, if you were careful, you could see his small eyes sneaking guilty glances at Qin Fan from time to time, trying to see if Qin Fan was angry with them.Whenever Qin Fan saw it, he quickly turned his head and looked around, not knowing what he was looking at.

Not only him, Sun Wood, Wei Xing, Luo Tianzheng, and He Xiaoqing all had such virtues.

Huang Yiming and others surrounded the Tanlang team, shouting for support, or asking them for autographs, but they were all rejected by the Tanlang team.

Everyone couldn't help being discouraged, and gave up the idea of ​​signing the autograph. Immediately afterwards, they saw the Greedy Wolf team walking up to Qin Fan step by step, and stopped...

Previously, he was angry with the 17S Tanlang on the field, let go of his bold words that he would not win the championship and would not accept interviews, and proudly refused all the fans' signatures, but at this time, he consciously lined up in two rows, one by one following those who made mistakes Like a primary school student, he lowered his head in shame and said in a low voice, "Hi, Coach."

Zheng Zexian felt that he seemed to be hallucinating, so he quickly rubbed his eyes, and took a closer look again. Tanlang still looked like he had made a mistake, and his eyes that were already wide open became even wider now. up.

"He... what did they call Qin Fan just now?" Huang Yiming asked with a look of disbelief.

"It seems to be... the coach." Ren Zhou Chunhua, no matter how steady and serious he was, opened his mouth wide at this time, in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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