Chapter 604 Embarrassment
Unless the security guards come forward and forcefully use violent means to solve it, this is the only way.

But this method is not a last resort, it must not be used.Now is the time to establish Caesar's invincible image for the four players from country H. Rushingly letting the security guards take action, simply and roughly attacking them will affect their image too much.

Therefore, the organizers decided to let the fake King come forward, and now they can only hope that King's reputation can solve this problem.

When the Chinese man with the red, white and black mask came to this side, the crowd on the stage and the audience burst into cheers again.





Uniform, waves of shouts sounded without warning, just like king's appearance in previous years, but this time, it was just a superficial shell.

Even if they were not sure whether this person was really King, it still resonated with everyone. This is the appeal of King, and this is the most coveted energy of the organizers. Whoever can master this energy will be able to have the highest level at the moment. right to speak.

Such a powerful cry did not have the slightest impact on the opposing sides on the stage. Li Zhixian and Hang Ye still refused to give an inch, staring at each other, as if waiting for the final eruption.

Under the attention of tens of thousands of people, king arrived, and the organizer finally breathed a sigh of relief. The audience waited for king to show his might and solve this headache.

However, there is no use for eggs.

Hang Ye and Li Zhixian didn't even look at him, they didn't take this 'world number one' seriously at all, and even the three teammates behind Li Zhixian ignored this 'world number one'.

This situation was very embarrassing. The audience and the organizer maintained a unified mood, and they all looked at the situation on stage with a dazed expression.

Don't even give face to the 'king' god?Are these five guys so big?
"What's the situation? This guy can't really be a fake King, can he?"

"What the hell... are these five people so arrogant? They don't even give the king any face?"

"It's so awesome, these people don't want to hang out in the e-sports circle."


The audience felt that their three views were about to be broken. There were different opinions and discussions, and the organizers were getting more and more headaches.

What is fake is fake, and what is true is true. The organizers can fool the audience, but they cannot fool the professional players.

Especially Hang Ye and Li Zhixian, they are all people who have really come into contact with the king, so they can't tell the real king from the fake king?Fake King is a precious sword for the organizers, but for them, hehe, it is no different from passers-by.

"Oh, people's hearts are not old, look, you don't even give face to the king." Qin Fan sighed with his mouth twitching.

The five of Guiliang and Liu Dafo turned their heads, looked at Qin Fan with strange expressions, and said to themselves, boss, are you playing dumb with us?If you go out in person, see if Hang Ye and these four grandsons dare to make such a fuss.

The five of them knew Qin Fan's identity, but Hua Junpei didn't know it. Hearing Qin Fan's words, he thought Qin Fan was speaking ill of the king in a weird way, and suddenly lost his temper, and said coldly: "The king at least dares to speak ill of the king." Come forward to solve the problem, and you won't talk behind your back like a young master of the Qin family."

Qin Fan looked confused: "???"

You are sick, I provoked you and provoked you, if you talk to you, you will hate me.

But Qin Fan has never been someone who can take advantage of his words, and immediately said: "It is stupid or stupid to act rashly before there is no solution. The family has always acted after making a decision, not the ass decides the head. "

(End of this chapter)

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