Chapter 605 Fear
"Heh..." Hua Junpei sneered: "So... Master Qin has a solution to the problem?"

Qin Fan ignored her, and fell into deep thought as he watched the situation on Hang Ye's side.From the time he heard Hang Ye's voice, he guessed that this situation might happen now, but he didn't expect the organizer to be so stupid that he didn't even prepare a risk control plan.

He was weighing whether to reveal his identity.

If his identity is exposed now, the 'Whetstone Cultivation Plan' will definitely be affected, but if he doesn't go out, Hang Ye will definitely suffer a disadvantage under the current situation.

As a child of the same family, Qin Fan knew the strength and passivity of Hang Ye. If the organizer dared to bully Hang Ye, once the family behind Hang Ye knew, they would have nothing to eat.But everyone understands the reason why a slap can't be slapped. It is one thing for the family behind Hang Ye to bully him back, but he will also be punished by the family in retrospect.

In the end, the consortium of country H was seriously damaged, Qin Fan's plan was blocked, and Hang Ye was also uncomfortable. No matter how you look at it, it was a situation where neither side was going well, so it was better for him to come forward to stop the quarrel between the two. it is good.

In this way, both sides have a step down, and the damage to his plan is not too serious.

Qin Fan pondered for a long time, silent, but in Hua Junpei's eyes, Hua Junpei acquiesced that he also had no solution, and then sneered even worse, and then sarcastically said: "Why didn't you talk, I thought Qin Fan What's missing..."

She was just halfway through her words, but seeing Qin Fan turn around and walk out, she couldn't help being stunned, and the second half of her sentence was choked back.

"You don't think that you can solve things that King can't solve by coming forward. Don't forget that this is an e-sports circle, not a shady place under the big tree of the Qin family. It's useless to play with the prestige of the Qin family." Hua Junpei frowned slightly, reminding her kindly.

In her opinion, Qin Fan's actions were really asking for trouble and overreaching, but considering that Qin Fan's actions might be exposed to the media, this would negatively affect the reputation of the Qin family. Influence, so kindly remind Qin Fan.

However, Qin Fan didn't even turn his head, as if he didn't hear what she said, when he passed Liu Dafo, he took his peaked cap and put it on his own head, pressed the brim of the hat, and continued to walk out of the crowd.

At his destination, Hang Ye and Li Zhixian were still facing each other, no one would let the other go. The three H country players in the back curled up slightly, and their whole bodies were trembling undetectably.

Beside the five people, a masked Chinese man kept persuading them, but if they hadn't heard of it, they didn't even look at him.

"Don't press...King on me, do you really think... I'm afraid of him?" Li Zhixian stared at Hang Ye with a fierce expression, and said viciously, like a very hungry vicious dog.

Hang Ye sneered disdainfully: "Since you're not afraid, what are you shaking? Is it because the air conditioner is turned on too much or because of kidney deficiency?"

"You... I didn't shake, but I'm just a Chinese, so I won't be afraid of him." Li Zhixian's expression was still fierce. He wanted to control his body and stop shaking, but unfortunately, he couldn't.

"Hehehe...hahahaha." Hang Ye laughed more and more wildly, and asked unreasonably: "Who is just a Chinese? Tell me your name, you don't even dare to mention his name, What are you talking about?"

Li Zhixian's expression became more and more ugly, but Hang Ye didn't give him the slightest step down, with a frivolous smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth, and said provocatively: "Next time you speak harshly, remember to straighten your tongue first. You Even the gap between the teeth is the fear of the king, no matter how high-sounding your words are, it is meaningless, your fear will only make me more excited."

(End of this chapter)

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