PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 652 A face-to-face sniper confrontation

Chapter 652 A face-to-face sniper confrontation
Whenever Qin Fan moves his body, he can predict where Qin Fan's head will be next, and then he can shoot his head off.

However... Qin Fan didn't do any evasive action at all, he just rushed forward straight up, plus the movement speed bonus of painkillers, and running empty-handed, Qin Fan's movement speed was so fast, he had already Halfway up the stairs, straight to the point of the gun! ! !

This behavior is no different from sending someone to die.

But the sniper of the AST team was shocked. Why doesn’t this guy play cards according to the routine at all? The dodge gun is very smooth, and the smoke bomb is thrown very well, but why do you play like a reckless novice? ?

Could it be that I miscalculated?He just dodges?Actually a novice? The sniper of the AST team was full of question marks.

As the saying goes, if you beat a master to death with random punches, this master Qin Fan is ashamed and beats people with random punches in the same way.

I mean I will fight you with a sniper rifle, but did I say I would fight you like a sniper?I want to fight you with the offensive style of an assaulter. Do you have a temper?

The sniper of the AST team was really at a loss. He suspected that he might have made a mistake in his prediction, and this guy might be a novice.

In this flash of lightning, Qin Fan took the first step under the muzzle of his machine-sighted gun, and the AST sniper did not hesitate and pulled the trigger decisively.

With a bang, the bullet shot out.

'Boom, rustle...' Hearing the sound of bullets pounding on the wall, the AST sniper felt chilled, forgot that he was a master of psychological warfare...

Qin Fan did not immediately evade when he aimed at his head, but squatted down and turned sideways to the right when he took a step and was about to take the second step.

The reason why he turned sideways was because he had never fought against the opponent before, he didn't know him, and he didn't know how the opponent's psychological quality was. Not sure where the guy will shoot in his next move.

So he kept an eye out, squatted down and turned sideways, trying to avoid the fatal trauma to the head as much as possible.However, it turned out that the sniper of the AST team seemed to have never seen this kind of battle, and his psychological quality was not as high as Qin Fan thought. After taking aim, Qin Fan immediately fired when he was about to take the second step.

As a result, his win94 entered the most desperate reloading time.

Reloading win94 is fast, but the key is that Qin Fan doesn’t need to reload at all, Qin Fan just cut the gun and it’s over, it’s much faster than him reloading...

But Qin Fan didn't cut his gun, but took advantage of the short time for the opponent to reload and rushed directly to the stairs. When the sniper of the AST team finished changing the next round of bullets, Qin Fan was already cheek to cheek with him.

At this time, no matter how fast his dodge gun is, what's the use.

This time, the sniper of the AST team did not hesitate at all, and directly aimed at Qin Fan's head instead of Qin Fan's head. Instead, he chose the crotch, which had a larger area and was easier to hit.

The crotch is not protected by defense equipment. Although the damage caused by the hit is not as high as that of the head, the damage is high enough, and this part is not easy to dodge.

So when he saw Qin Fan, he immediately shot him in the crotch.

Qin Fan's evasive action was very timely. As soon as he raised the gun, he knew where he wanted to hit, and immediately jumped to his side and rear, trying to avoid the gun, but it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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