PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 653 The Operation That Surprised Qin Fan

Chapter 653 The Operation That Surprised Qin Fan
The distance was too close, and the bullet hit his crotch directly, and his blood volume plummeted by half.

Qin Fan didn't care, and started cutting his guns in the air, while the snipers of the AST team reloaded while doing evasive movements.

The scene at this time is very strange. The two people are in a small room with a narrow terrain. They both have better guns and rifles, but they confront each other with two sniper rifles. In the eyes of the audience, they look like two idiots. lack……

The sniper of the AST team tried his best to dodge, but unfortunately, in terms of physical skills and evasive movements, he could be regarded as meeting his ancestors today. As soon as the bullet was loaded, Qin Fan's gun went off.

The distance was too close, and the sound of 98K gunshots was like thunder to his ears. He even heard the sound of bullets whizzing towards the back of his head, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and his adrenaline surged.

As a veteran of a top-notch team, he hadn't felt this tense and oppressive feeling for a long, long time, and it had been a long, long time since no one could force him to this level.

Although he knew that this was just a game, but at that moment, he really felt the threat of death.

He doesn't want to lose, the AST team is also the glory of CS:GO, he is the last member of AST, and he can't lose.

At the last moment of life and death, when the adrenaline was soaring, he felt that his perception of everything around him had never been so keen, so keen that he was like a beast.

How fast is the 98K bullet in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?He didn't study it. He just wanted to prove his real strength to Qin Fan at the last moment. He wanted to tell Qin Fan that his strength was very strong, but Qin Fan's tactics were too weird to let him show it.

His eyes seemed to be emitting light, and the mouse he was holding tightly slid across the very large mouse pad in an arc, leaving an afterimage.

On the computer screen, the character turned around suddenly, and the long win94 in his hand drew a curve in the air. Before he could fully aim at Qin Fan, flames shot out from the muzzle of the gun, and the win94 bullet broke through the airflow and shot out.

At this moment, he clearly saw the [-] bullet fired by Qin Fan coming towards him.

In an instant, bright red blood spurted out, and the head was thrown back violently under the huge impact, and then fell back limply to the end, shook twice, and stopped moving.

However, the .[-] bullet he fired passed by Qin Fan's ear, broke the glass, and flew out of the house. If the shot missed by a little more, Qin Fan would also be knocked down by the headshot at this time. .

"Such precise predictions and solid basic skills." Seeing Qin Fan's precise shot right between the eyebrows, the AST team's snipers couldn't help but admire.

Although he lost, he wasn't upset because he had already shown Qin Fan his strength - sniping 180 degrees on the spot.

180-degree sniping on the spot, many top professional players can do it, Qin Fan can also do it, but under such extreme circumstances, shooting this shot in less than 0.01 seconds can't be achieved by training did it.

This thing depends on talent.

With this shot, Qin Fan had to give a sigh of amazement, because he thought he couldn't do it, he didn't have this talent, and couldn't shoot such extreme operations.

However...he was the winner, and he won with a sniper rifle, using the simplest and most unpretentious basic skills, which is really ironic.

(End of this chapter)

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