Chapter 668 Talent
Qin Fan knew very well how he hit it, as clear as shooting a 100-meter target. Before he shot, he was very sure that as long as the trajectory of the ball did not deviate, he would definitely hit it.

Just like his WIN94 ultra-long-distance sniper attack in Zhang Xue's live broadcast room, the feeling of clear and clear withdrawal is the same.

But that ethereal feeling, that feeling that all the pores of his body are relaxed, that sharp intuition like a beast, he couldn't express it in words, and he couldn't tell Su Haoming how he used this intuition and wonderful feeling to Correct your front sight.

Just like he can clearly judge the enemy's position through ballistics, he can't teach this to Su Haoming and the others. Just like Qin Fan, Qin Fan couldn't teach them his own feeling and intuition.

Just like their talent for firearms, they can only say the word "talent" in general when their feelings come to their lips. The same is true for Qin Fan. If he has to say it, he can only say that it is his. 'talent'.

The so-called talent is just a skill that is completely incomprehensible and cannot be copied.

And this beast-like intuition, this ethereal feeling, is Qin Fan's talent, his unique talent.

That is to say, regardless of the trajectory deviation, so far, only he can master the 2000-meter sniper killing technique, and only he can judge the enemy's position based on the enemy's trajectory and other issues.

At this point, Hua Junpei was completely convinced. Qin Fan's screen displayed the word Nine Kills. This is undoubtedly the proof that Qin Fan and Su Haoming killed twelve top-notch professional players.

Looking at Qin Fan's record and that ultra-long-range sniper shot, and thinking about what she said before, Hua Junpei felt a burning heat on her face. Since she was a child, she has never been so embarrassing. , especially in front of her future husband, although Qin Fan didn't take the opportunity to hurt her, this kind of record slapped her in the face and made her extremely embarrassed.

Who can blame this, but she can only blame her for being blinded by love and resentment, and the way of judging the problem is too subjective, but in the end it hurts herself.

'Again, I, Qin Mingyang, number one in the world. '

At this moment, Qin Fan's words resounded in her mind again, and her head lowered even more.

'This kind of record, even if it is not as strong as King, it can at least be on par with King. ' Hua Junpei secretly said in his heart.

But in fact, Qin Fan's current strength is stronger than the king's strength she thought. After more than half a year, Guiliang and the others are getting stronger, and Qin Fan's strength is also getting stronger. Therefore, his current strength is actually stronger. It is beyond King.

The only person in the world who can surpass King is probably King himself.

Hua Shengjie also came back to his senses, he was helping Hua Junpei at this time, but Hua Junpei, who was struggling in his heart, didn't notice that the position where Hua Shengjie was squatting at this time was the window.






Bursts of fire rang out again from the direction of the No. 98 team. There were 14K gunshots, as well as SKS and MINI[-] gunshots. The sparse bullets hit the window, which startled Hua Shengjie before he could react. When he came over, he was already knocked down.

"???" Qin Fan looked confused, is this newbie really new?Knowing that someone is still daring to help someone at the window! ?
At this moment, Su Haoming came roaring in with a big pickup truck, Qin Fan jumped up, replaced him with the car, kicked the accelerator and rushed towards the room area where Hua Shengjie and Hua Junpei were located.

(End of this chapter)

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