Chapter 669
Team No. [-] on the mountain wanted to drive towards the housing area where Hua Shengjie and the two lived. As soon as they got in the car, they saw a pickup truck approaching in the distance. Shot at Qin Fan's car.

It wasn't until the No. [-] team's three sniper rifles emptied a full magazine that they found out in despair... two of the three sniper rifles in succession, and one bolted sniper rifle, but they missed a single shot. The trajectory is too weird, completely unpredictable...

The audience also watched and laughed. They were not Qin Fan's opponents, and they couldn't feel how good Qin Fan's driving skills were. With their skills and perspective, they could only see how bad the No. [-] players' marksmanship was.

They laughed, in fact, they were laughing at the players of the No. [-] team. However, if they were changed to the positions of the No. [-] team, they would not be able to beat Qin Fan, and then they would understand that it was the No. [-] team. The marksmanship is too bad, but Qin Fan's driving skills are too good.

After Qin Fan parked the car at the door, he first threw a smoke bomb at the window on the stairs on the second floor, and the two rushed up after the smoke cleared. It is better to be careful when you don't know your opponent.

If someone has good marksmanship and Da Lala rushes forward and someone seizes the opportunity to knock him down with a single shot, it will be a big loss.

Hua Junpei saw that her blood was about to drain dry, while Qin Fan was still sealing the cigarettes, and secretly thought about coward, cheapskate, really holding grudges, must be delaying time on purpose, hum.

Qin Fan didn't know what Hua Junpei was thinking, when Hua Junpei's blood line was almost gone, Qin Fan happened to come to her, Hua Junpei's heart felt cold, it was over, it was too late.

How fast is Qin Fan's hand, can he let his teammates die in front of his eyes?As soon as this idea came to her mind, she fell down on the chair in anger, and died in front of her teammates, aggrieved.

However, after two seconds, I found that the blood tank was empty, and I was not dead yet. I was slightly surprised and also had a trace of resentment in my heart, hum, deliberately scaring me.

When Qin Fan helped Hua Junpei up, Hua Shengjie was also lifted up, and then he saw the siblings spreading three bandages in front of him and Su Haoming...

Qin Fan was speechless at once, is he so poor...

As soon as the two finished distributing the bandages, they saw two extra first aid kits on the ground, and Hua Junpei felt aggrieved again.

"Didn't you take out the first-aid kit sooner? Have you seen the jokes about our siblings?" Hua Junpei said in a cold voice with a slightly chilly face.

Qin Fan raised his brows slightly, suddenly lost his temper, and said quietly: "I didn't know you were so poor, and you didn't ask me for it."

Hua Junpei has such a high spirit that she can still stand his teasing. Even when she wanted to refute, she opened her mouth but found that she really didn't make sense, and when the time came, she suppressed her anger.

Holding it back doesn't mean you won't be angry anymore. Holding it back makes you more angry. Just when she was feeling uncomfortable, she suddenly heard Qin Fan whisper softly: "Okay, don't be angry, look at my back." Which gun do you like?"

Hua Junpei was slightly surprised, thinking that this young master would bow his head?Seeing Qin Fan's attitude is so good, half of the anger in his stomach was dispelled immediately, he looked at the gun behind Qin Fan seriously and said: "I like the 98x mirror and [-]K."

Qin Fan chuckled and said tactfully, "No."

Hua Junpei was stunned at the time: "???"

Are you so poisonous? If you don’t show me something, you’re greedy for me, right?Are you trying to tease me?
(End of this chapter)

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