PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 670 Do you want to learn to spy?

Chapter 670 Do you want to learn to spy?
Yes, Qin Fan was deliberately teasing her, just to make her angry, so that she could find trouble for nothing, hehe, I'm so mad at you.

After teasing Hua Junpei, he said to Hua Shengjie again: "Little brother, come on, let's see which gun you like on my back?"

Hua Junpei: "..."

Hua Shengjie: "..."

Su Haoming: "..."

The three faces are dumbfounded, brother, there is no end, right, one move is used twice at the same time?Thank you for doing it.

Hua Shengjie tentatively asked, "98x mirror and [-]K?"

"Interrogative sentence?" Qin Fan was also amused, this little brother is so much fun.

Seeing Qin Fan repeating his old tricks, Hua Junpei was about to taunt him, when he saw an extra 98K on the ground, and a black and shiny [-]x mirror, which was very eye-catching.

Hua Junpei was speechless again, is it true this time?Why treat them differently?

If she asked, she would know that Qin Fan didn't intend to tease Hua Shengjie at all, and he was still angry with her this time...

Seeing that Hua Junpei held back and did not ask, Qin Fan felt a little regretful, hey, why not ask, I even have the answer ready.

Qin Fan was thinking in his heart, and then he heard Hua Shengjie ask: "Why didn't you give it when my elder sister asked for it?"

Qin Fan was overjoyed, good brother, what a godly assist, and immediately laughed and said: "Because I just wanted to anger her, hahahaha."

Hua Junpei's teeth were itchy, and he gritted his teeth and looked at Hua Shengjie, as if he was saying that you are really my good brother, can't you see that he is just waiting for this question?How did the Hua family teach you such a little idiot?

Hua Shengjie was also speechless, but the depression in his heart was quickly washed away by the 98K and [-]x mirror in his hand, and he happily picked it up and fought with the people on the mountain.

Qin Fan was afraid that he didn't have enough bullets, so he gave him another fifty bullets, and immediately picked up the Win94 and .

"En." Hua Shengjie nodded excitedly, and seriously shot at the people on the mountain.

But his aiming speed was too slow. The enemies on the mountain became more careful after taking Qin Fan's shot, and kept moving up and down the reverse slope.Hua Shengjie, who was originally slow in aiming, became more and more inaccurate after being disturbed by the opponent.

"Sniping is not like that. Standing in such a big window, you will suffer." Qin Fan asked while talking: "Want to learn how to snipe?"

"Think about it." Hua Shengjie's face flushed red when he heard the words, and he replied immediately after hearing Qin Fan's question, as if he was afraid that Qin Fan would go back on his word.

Qin Fan's super long-distance sniper kill is still lingering in his mind, making him envious. However, when the gun was in his hands, he realized that the sniper was not so useful. It turns out that not everyone can perform such an operation.

"Watch." After Qin Fan finished speaking, Win94 loaded seven bullets, leaned forward, aimed the machine, determined the target on the mountain, and turned back to cover.

He leaned forward again, took aim, and waited for the opportunity.

With a 'boom', the sound of the gun was low and unpretentious.

Half a second later, Qin Fan's computer screen displayed a headshot knockout, and he was still the No. [-] player of the No. [-] team.

The arena was boiling again, and the 600-meter machine sight headshot knocked down the headshot. The previous climax of the 2000x [-]-meter headshot has not yet subsided, and a new magic operation once again blinded the audience's eyes.

Show, too showy.

A mere 600-meter machine aiming headshot is enough to scare everyone. If they knew that Qin Fan's win94 machine aiming at the farthest sniper kill was 1000 meters, they would probably be scared crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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