Chapter 671 Genius or not
The four members of the No. 94 team on the mountain were almost shocked when they saw this knockdown prompt, win[-]?Can you see people so far away?What the fuck! ?

When they looked at the name of the person who knocked down their teammate, they became more and more uneasy. This... Isn't this person the one who hit us with 98K before?A shot from that far away?You can't see anyone even if you drive it eight times, are you kidding me?
They didn't know Qin Fan's location at first, but when they saw Qin Fan driving over, they knew that this person came from the direction of the villa area, which was about 2000 meters away from them.

But how could there be a hang-up in the world competition? This only shows that this person's operation is really beyond what they can imagine.

"It's too strong, let's retreat." Looking at the distance and then at the name, the four of them suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

I thought to myself, why are the two of Fang Qu so lucky, with such a good teammate, our luck is too bad, to have kicked such a hard piece of iron! ! !This is simply a board made of 'Zhenjin', which is the same model as the Black Panther Armor. Professional players can't kick it even if they come...

They were knocked unconscious by Qin Fan's 98K before, and they had used up all the smoke bombs, so they could only stay behind the reverse slope, not even daring to show their heads.

"Car." Qin Fan blurted out the word, before Hua Shengjie and Hua Junpei could understand what he meant, Su Haoming had already started shooting at the car on the mountain.

Using the same rifle, at the same position, at the same distance, also beyond the effective range, Su Haoming can shoot directly at a distance of 600 meters, and 90.00% of the bullets can hit the target, while Hua Junpei can hit the target with a single shot. Can't hit anyone at all, this is the gap.

The gunshots of "bang bang bang" were heard endlessly. Qin Fan kept his probe aiming the machine, and the muzzle of the gun was motionless at the reverse slope where the enemy was located. Hua Shengjie watched Qin Fan's series of operations intently, observing and learning .

If he really has a very high talent in sniper rifles, like He Xiaoqing, he can learn it after just one reading. He doesn't need to deliberately study the operation details behind Qin Fan, and he can directly play at the level of mid-to-high-end players, and Can achieve 80.00% of Qin Fan's micro manipulation.

This is He Xiaoqing's talent in sniper rifles. I have to admit that there are geniuses in this world, just like people with high IQs. Many people have to go through systematic training and learning to do things, and these people casually It can be done directly.

They don't even need to understand the process. They don't seek deep understanding, but only seek the result. This is a talent that ordinary people cannot imitate, and cannot learn through systematic learning, and it is also an ability that cannot be expressed in words.

They don't know why they think faster and think more deeply than others. Although they may not understand some answers, they can get the results and skip the process that ordinary people need to go through.

Ultimately, it all boils down to 'high IQ', 'high talent', 'wizard', etc.

But if Hua Shengjie has no talent in sniper rifles, let alone read it once, even if he reads it ten times, twenty times, as long as he doesn't go through systematic training and teaching, he still won't be able to learn it.

The purpose of Qin Fan letting him watch his operation is to see if he is the second He Xiaoqing.

The Daqin E-sports Association is developing and needs talents. I guess he didn't even think that one day, he would actually poach people from the Huaxia family.

In the future, if the old man of the Hua family finds out, he will abduct the heir of the family and go to play games with him in a 'do not do business' with him!I guess I have to fight him hard...

(End of this chapter)

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