Chapter 672 You Come and Try
The car on the mountain was parked on the side of the reverse slope, very close to the enemy on the mountain. Once the car exploded, all four of them would die. The purpose of Qin Fan asking Su Haoming to take a taxi was to force them out.

Once they came out, hehe, it was the meat of Qin Fan's chopping board, let him knead it.

This is the consequence of not paying attention to details. Sometimes a small detail that one feels indifferent to may be caught by the opponent, causing one's own death directly.

The current members of Team No. [-] are in such an environment, watching the bullets "swoosh..." flying over their heads, hitting the vehicle behind them full of holes, and sparks flying everywhere, it is Su Haoming's After being shocked by the precision of the marksmanship, the rest is deep despair.

To leave the bunker or not to leave the bunker?This was a problem, but they had no time to hesitate. During the interval between Su Haoming's reloading, the four quickly took the opportunity to run outside the bunker.

As soon as the first person showed his head, he heard a gunshot from far and near. It was a win94 gunshot!The sound of the gunshot was very weak because the distance was too far, but the lethality of the bullet was not weakened by it.

As soon as the man heard the gunshot, a blush appeared on the top of his head, and the motorcycle helmet shattered, and he fell to the ground in response.

Seeing this, his three teammates felt a chill in their hearts, but they had no way out, and they had no time to help him, so they could only continue to run outside the bunker as if they were desperate.

In their view, as long as they run out of the damage range of the vehicle, and then they take the initiative to destroy the vehicle, they can use the vehicle as a cover to survive.

However, as soon as they left the bunker, they heard another gunshot, still the weak gunshot of win94.

There was a muffled sound of 'boom', and one of the three groaned. The durability of the second-level helmet was exhausted in an instant, and his blood volume also decreased rapidly as if jumping off a building. In an instant, only a drop of blood was left.

The lethality of win94 can be said to be the lowest in the Shuan spy. Even the second-level head cannot be killed with a single shot, but it is only a drop of blood, which is very uncomfortable.

But fortunately, it reloads fast enough, one shot falls, and another shot fires again.

'Crack' sounded twice.

'Boom' was another weak gunshot, it was still the same person, still the head, this time he was not so lucky, he just shot him down.

Accurate, too accurate, they have never seen such an accurate win94 machine sight, even a single shot is not empty, they even doubt whether this person's win94 can hold an [-]x lens...

Seeing this situation, the remaining two people became more and more anxious and nervous, and kept taking the 'S'-shaped route to try to avoid Qin Fan's bullets, but the expected win94 gunfire did not follow.

After they got away from the vehicle, the two quickly blew up the car and used the vehicle as a cover to avoid it. The other two people who were knocked down were directly killed by the vehicle.

They were so flustered that they didn't even have time to worry about their teammates.

However, Qin Fan had already put away his gun, and had no intention of hitting them at all. Instead, he looked at Hua Shengjie and said, "Come and try."

Hua Shengjie nodded, excitedly picked up the gun and took aim, while Qin Fan watched his operation seriously, wanting to see how much he had learned.

It took a long time for the two people on the mountain to show half of their heads. From a distance of 600 meters, it may be okay to see an individual, but it is impossible to see a half head hiding behind a vehicle from a distance of 600 meters.

But even if they knew this was the case, they didn't dare to show their faces when they first hid behind the vehicle. They didn't think about it until they calmed down and calmed down.

As soon as one of them showed half of his head, Hua Shengjie's gun went off.

The bullet flew away with a 'whoosh' sound, and Hua Shengjie looked at his screen expectantly, hoping to see the system's knockdown prompt.

(End of this chapter)

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