Chapter 673
When he was watching Qin Fan's operation, as long as the gun fired, there would be a knock-down notification, as if the system should give a knock-down notification when the gun fired, but... three seconds passed, and the knock-down notification he was expecting did not appear.

Qin Fan was slightly disappointed that Hua Shengjie was not the genius he wanted.

His requirements are not high, only 600 meters, and the 98K with the [-]x mirror can easily get a headshot, but Hua Shengjie didn't do it.

Thinking about it, He Xiaoqing was the talent he found after traveling all over half of China's clubs at the earliest time, and he was the first group of people who were fooled by him to come to play professionally.

Today's He Xiaoqing is a top-notch professional player in terms of talent, qualifications, experience, and age. It is Qin Fan's blessing to get one, and it is not so easy to find a second one like this.

It's a pity that He Xiaoqing's character is a little weaker, and he also has low self-esteem. This is one of his weaknesses, but it is not without room for remedy.

There are always people who say that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. The reason why the nature is hard to change is still nothing. When life forces a person to have no choice but to change, this temperament should be changed and must be changed. Qin Fan now What he is doing is this, to force He Xiaoqing to change.

Since giving him glory can't make him confident, let him fall to the bottom, push him to a dead end, and let him rise by himself.

It can be said that Qin Fan is cruel, or he can be said to be vicious, but it cannot be said that he is not loyal.He is forcing He Xiaoqing now so that he can go further in the future, so that he can survive in this muddy land.

In order for the brothers to grow up one by one, he is willing to be the bad guy.

Hua Shengjie fired one shot after another, and Qin Fan was sure that he didn't have the talent to be a sniper.

Just when Qin Fan felt a little disappointed, Hua Shengjie fired the fifth shot, which was the last bullet in the 98K magazine. The enemies on the mountain saw that the opponent could not hit after hiding in the bunker, and they were eager to try again stand up.

As soon as one person showed his head, he heard a 'bang' gunshot again, and that person fell to the ground.

Hit, finally hit.

Hua Shengjie jumped up excitedly, this is the sixth game he played, but it was the first time he hit someone with 98K, the fifth shot hit someone, it was already a great achievement for him It's hard to be excited for a while.

Undoubtedly, even if he hit the fifth shot, in Qin Fan's opinion, he still has no talent for sniping, but Qin Fan's fifth shot still made Qin Fan's eyes shine, and Su Haoming even sat up straight, Green eyes.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of secret joy and green eyes like hungry wolves preying on each other's eyes.

The two looked at each other and smiled very strangely, and raised their eyebrows at Hua Shengjie at the same time.

If Guiliang was here, he would definitely shake his head helplessly and say, hey, these two old wolves are about to start playing tricks again...

What can make Su Haoming so interested, of course, cannot be the talent of a sniper, but an assaulter!
Everyone in the Caesars team knows that Qin Fan is best at assault combat, and he fights the most in assault combat. Because of this, even when Qin Fan is a sniper, he still has the habit of assault-style micromanagement.

This kind of habit is so subtle that outsiders can hardly see it, even the world-class professional players who have played against Qin Fan many times in world competitions can't see it at all.

Qin Fan's habit of surprise micromanagement is very difficult, and it would be impossible to do it without a lot of actual combat, practice and level like him.

However, when Hua Shengjie fired the fifth shot, he subconsciously managed a tiny bit of micro-manipulation. This tiny bit of micro-manipulation is so subtle that you might not notice it if you are not careful, but it cannot escape Qin Fan and his actions. Su Haoming's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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