Chapter 674 Cow

This shows what?Hua Shengjie is talented, and it's super talented. In the future, he definitely has the hope of becoming an assaulter not inferior to Su Haoming!
Hua Shengjie was still jumping around excitedly, without realizing that Qin Fan and Su Haoming were planning on him.

"Little brother, are sniper rifles fun?" Qin Fan asked very enthusiastically, because he didn't know who Hua Shengjie was, so Qin Fan always called him "little brother".

"It's fun." Hua Shengjie said happily, and then continued to fight with a sniper rifle.

"Actually, a rifle looks even more handsome than a sniper rifle." Qin Fan was persuasive, like an old woman feeding Snow White poisoned apples.

"Is there? I don't think that brother is handsome when he shoots a rifle." Hua Shengjie said.

"Rifles are good enough to shoot four at a time, but sniper rifles are not good, and it's over if you get close." Qin Fan said.

"Then if I play snipers as well as big brother, who can get close to me?" Hua Shengjie said.

Qin Fan was speechless: "..."

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have sniped so hard.

Hua Shengjie was obsessed with her sniper rifle world, and didn't think much about Qin Fan's words, but Hua Junpei was different, she heard something different from Qin Fan's words.

And think about it, the eldest son of the Qin family used to be in the e-sports circle. Although there has been no news about him in the e-sports circle in recent years, it is estimated that he is still closely connected with the e-sports circle.

Thinking about it this way, there are more Taoisms in it, Hua Junpei immediately thought of some bad things, and immediately became vigilant.

'You can't let my younger brother fool around in the e-sports circle like the eldest son of the Qin family. Sheng Jie is not a great genius who comes out every few hundred years. Once he goes to the e-sports circle, he might be told behind his back. ' Hua Junpei pondered secretly in her heart.

"Why are you fooling my brother into playing with a rifle instead?" Hua Junpei looked at Qin Fan warily and asked.

When Qin Fan and Su Haoming heard this, their hearts skipped a beat, they slapped their foreheads, and thought to themselves, oops, I forgot that there was a sensible person sitting next to them.

Thinking of this in his heart, Qin Fan laughed and said, "Of course it's because rifles are more fun, you see."

As Qin Fan said, he took the AKM in his hand and shot at the ground, shooting out a word 'ox' on the ground, and asked, "Can you see what I wrote?"

The word 'ox' is actually written very clearly and easily recognized. Although Hua Junpei was shocked by Qin Fan's gun pressing technique, she still did not relax her vigilance and said cautiously: "Niu... "

Before Hua Junpei could say anything later, Qin Fan said first: "Thank you for the compliment, the rifle is just so good."

Hua Junpei couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard that, she was waiting for her here.

"Hehe, boring." Hua Junpei said without interest.

"Now do you know why I let him use a rifle? The rifle is awesome. If you play well, you can hit four with one shot." Qin Fan said.

"Who are you kidding? Everyone in the high-end game is about the same in strength. When you meet, either you beat me or I beat you. How can you rely on technology to fight four? Who doesn't know that one fight four relies on tactical suppression, and creating an environment where one fights one can only Playing a one-on-four effect? ​​Do you think you can also use the AKM to play the drag gun like the king? To achieve technical crushing?" Hua Junpei said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Just after saying this, Hua Junpei thought of Qin Fan's achievements again, and her pretty face blushed again. She realized that Qin Fan might really have this strength...

(End of this chapter)

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