Chapter 701 Undercurrent
If it is said that before the World League, everyone didn't understand the real intention of the H-country consortium, thinking that they really bought the Caesars Club just for the sake of national humiliation and to suppress King.

Well, now everyone can understand that such painstaking operations, packaging, occupation of public opinion, hype hot spots, and all the means used to package film and television singer idols in country H have cost so much money, so much thought and means. Impossible just to support a Caesars team that is already dying.

The benefit that can match such a large price is to control the HX gaming circle.

The so-called thing has nothing to do with oneself, hang on high, when this kind of thing happens, no one will come to rescue, the whole world is watching this good show.

Quietly waiting for the drama of the century to unfold, what they appreciate is of course not how the iron hooves of the H consortium trample on China's power all the way, but how China's e-sports power survives.

What they admire is the pitiful appearance of hostile forces struggling in the face of annihilation.

But they may not have imagined that the intention of the H consortium is not limited to this, their goal is not only the HX e-sports circle, the HX market is of course very profitable, but there is no such thing as the world stage.

The HX e-sports circle is just their first step. Their ultimate goal is to conquer the world e-sports circle. Those carnivores who think they have nothing to do with themselves will eventually realize that they are being trampled under the iron hoof The pain of the skin.

However, they are not as lucky as the Huaxia e-sports circle. There is also a Qin Fan in Huaxia who is secretly planning to fight for the rise of Huaxia.And they can only choose between being conquered by the Daqin E-sports Association or conquered by the H country consortium.

They will eventually pay for the jokes they saw.

This world league has made everyone notice the resurgence of the H-country consortium and the new Caesars team, but no one has noticed that behind their brilliance, there is a force called the Daqin E-sports Association, organized by a group of young people. The next began their new toddler way.

They are not as ostentatious as the H-country consortium, they chose to absorb nutrients in secret, grow silently, and wait for the final battle for the European arena.

Hang Ye returned to S God's side and continued his learning journey that had come to an end by S God's side.

When God S annoyed him, he took a look at Qin Fan's power leveling business card as a comfort, at least he could still remember that in a foreign country, there was another strong man of his age who was willing to do it. His backing is always willing to accept him, an Asian player who has begun to be rejected by the European e-sports circle.

The undercurrent of the river is surging, but the river is calm.

After Qin Fan returned to China, he resumed his daily intensive study schedule. Whenever he had spare time every day, he would play solo volleyball and brush up his rank points, which should be regarded as daily training.

No matter how busy you are studying, you can't let the craftsmanship go, and you have to point to it to do big things.

Not to mention Zhang Xue, a silly woman, she knew nothing about all the undercurrents in the river. After returning to China, she immediately entered a normal working state. Apart from live broadcasting, she cooked for the employees of the Daqin power leveling studio every day. I'm not busy, I'm not busy.

After returning to the team, the seven members of the Greedy Wolf team also resumed the new advanced training tasks assigned by Qin Fan. They worked hard every day from seven to nine, training hard, and had no time or time to think about other things. .

The same is true for the employees of Daqin Studio. Liu Yijun is responsible for recruiting and buying horses every day, looking for outstanding talents on various platforms, while others are constantly checking orders every day. This is also their training.

Brother Erwei's current level is also improving by leaps and bounds. Every day, apart from making orders, he will continue the old tasks that Qin Fan assigned to them in the club before, and then pick them up and continue to practice. Now if he is allowed to face Sun Wood again, he will definitely not do it again. The loss was so ugly, no matter how you say it, you can play four or six.

(End of this chapter)

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