Chapter 702

The busiest of all is Li Changxiao. Apart from completing Qin Fan's plan, he also has to do his job well in Xingchen every day. He can't let his old boss see his intention to leave. , almost schizophrenic.

The only thing he is looking forward to every day is that the plan of the H-country consortium will advance faster and buy Xingchen as soon as possible.

Li Changxiao has almost done the affairs on Qin Fan's side, thinking every day when the H country consortium will make a move, waiting for Xingchen's old boss to sell him quickly, so that he can collect the net.

Li Changxiao couldn't help but laugh when he found out about his idea. When he first learned that his old club was going to sell him, he was so worried that he almost got depressed. Now that he's with Qin Fan, he despises his old club for selling him too slowly. It's really...

Li Changxiao was thinking in his heart when his cell phone rang suddenly, it was from his old club...

Li Changxiao laughed and answered the phone.

"Old Li, let's have dinner tonight, I have something to talk to you about." A young man's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

Li Changxiao was overjoyed when he heard the words, he was really looking forward to something, he quickly laughed and said: "Okay, fine, no problem, hahahaha."

The other end of the phone was quiet for a while, as if he was wondering something, and after a while he said with a confused face: "What's the matter with you, Lao Li, it's just a meal, don't be so happy."

Li Changxiao realized that he had lost his composure, so he quickly controlled his emotions. Being a double agent for the past few days made him a little schizophrenic. Finally, at this time, how can he be unhappy?

Don't let the old club find out about his flaws, thinking in his heart, Li Changxiao quickly coughed twice and said: "It's okay, it's just that we haven't got together for a long time, it's rare to get together, of course I'm happy."

Chen Yibian looked confused: "..."

What's wrong with this old boy today, he's so big or small.

Li Changxiao's old employer is Chen Yibian, a young and rich son of a rich family.

If it was on weekdays, Chen Yibian would definitely talk to Li Changxiao about his attitude towards him, but there is no need today. In a few hours, Li Changxiao will no longer be his person. The attitude problem is not his turn to have a headache.

"Okay, see you at the old place at 08:30 in the evening." Chen Yibian was about to hang up the phone after speaking, but Li Changxiao said suddenly:
"I want to take Qin Fan with me. He has been in our club for so long, and you haven't met him yet." Li Changxiao smiled and said, how could this kind of thing be done without Qin Fan's participation? The real behind-the-scenes of the field plan.

"Why bring him, I don't want to see him." Chen Yibian felt his head ache when he heard Qin Fan's name, and he still remembers how difficult this difficult and serious guy is, and the most unbearable thing for him It's not this, it's Qin Fan's negotiating ability, which keeps him around like teasing a child.

He realized it later, but it was useless, the contract was signed, and he regretted having a basket.

Li Changxiao was overjoyed when he heard this, and he still remembers the phone call that day, knowing how miserable the director was played, and then said: "It is all thanks to Tanlang that he is here today, and he is also one of us." A great hero of the club, if you don’t bring him to this dinner, it would be too unkind, so let’s bring him.”

Chen Yibian's brows were all wrinkled, and his clean and handsome face was ugly like a ball of crumpled paper. He played Tai Chi with Li Changxiao several times, but in the end he was still stubborn, but Li Changxiao agreed. up.

"Okay, then take him with you." Chen Yibian said this sentence, pinching his nose, he really didn't want to see Qin Fan, he had already developed a sense of fear for Qin Fan's mouth.

After saying this, Chen Yibian immediately hung up the phone, not wanting to say a word.

Li Changxiao dialed Qin Fan's phone while smiling, and asked Sun Wood and others to terminate the training and prepare for a meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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