PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 707 Don't make mistakes

Chapter 707 Don't make mistakes
What is the purpose of Chen Yibian's meal?It is to sell the Star Club, but it is not enough to just sell the empty shell of the Star Club. The people of the H country consortium are not fools. The Star Club is at best a name of one of the five major clubs in Shanghai.

What really interested them about Xingchen was Tanlang, the strongest dark horse team in the country and the soul of Xingchen club - Li Changxiao.

With these two things, the empty shell of the Star Club is valuable to them.

However, the two things they want now have already fallen into Qin Fan's pockets, and what they can get in exchange for from Chen Yibian is only an empty shell of the Star Club.

If Chen Yibian knew about this, he would not treat Qin Fan like this now, he would definitely bring Qin Fan in with a big sedan chair, serve Qin Fan with delicious food and drink, and discuss with Qin Fan in a low voice .

If he knew this, he would know how stupid he is to Qin Fan now, but unfortunately he doesn't know.

So, when Chen Yibian was waiting for Qin Fan to discuss with him humbly, Qin Fan turned his head away without saying a word...

Seeing this, Chen Yibian raised his brows slightly. He had heard that King was so proud that he would never bow his head to others easily, so Qin Fan's behavior was within his expectations and did not surprise him too much.

Qin Fan's non-participation in this dinner didn't have much impact on him, and he didn't want Qin Fan, a shit-stirring stick, to join this dinner. It would be a bad thing if it interfered with his business.

He doesn't know how popular Qin Fan is in the stars now, so he values ​​Li Changxiao more now, and he just wants to serve Li Changxiao in a good manner, and follow him to complete the battle with Caesars Hand over the task so that he can earn money well.

Seeing Qin Fan turning his head and walking away, Chen Yibian glanced at him disdainfully, cursing inwardly, what a common man does, King is nothing more than that.

Thinking this way in his heart, he said to Li Changxiao with a smile on his face: "Old Li, let's go in, this kind of cronies..."

However, he just finished speaking halfway, and he watched Li Changxiao turn around and walk behind Qin Fan's butt...

Seeing this situation, Chen Yibian panicked at the time. King can leave, but Li Changxiao can't. How can he do this business when Li Changxiao is gone.Immediately, he hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Li Changxiao's arm and said, "Where is Lao Li going, the place to eat is here."

Chen Yibian smiled awkwardly.

With a wave of his hand, Li Changxiao shook off Chen Yibian's hand without giving him any face at all: "I will go wherever the king goes."

Chen Yibian was dumbfounded at the time.


What's the situation, I'm your boss, what's there to chase after a king with a sunset, you on the wrong team...

Chen Yibian thought so in his heart, but his mouth was still unconvinced, he still regarded himself as Li Changxiao's immediate boss, but it was a pity that Li Changxiao no longer regarded him as his boss.

"Lao Li, I have always thought you are a smart person. You should know who to follow in the current e-sports circle to have meat. Those who know the current affairs are brilliant, so don't make mistakes." Chen Yibian still held his director Putting on airs, he slowly threatened Li Changxiao.

Li Changxiao smiled without turning his head when he heard the sound: "What Director Chen said is reasonable, but you chose your Yangguan Road, and I chose my single-plank bridge. You think there is meat to follow the H-state consortium, but I think it is easy to follow the King Only meat can be eaten. If we don’t agree with each other, you and I will go our separate ways in the future.”

"You..." Chen Yibian was shocked, and looked at Li Changxiao's back in horror.

At this moment, he realized that he had not had time to sell Li Changxiao, but Li Changxiao had already 'sold' him! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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