Chapter 708 Face Change
After getting along for nearly five years, he always thought that he knew Li Changxiao very well, but now, he felt that he could not understand this old friend.

Has he changed?Chen Yibian couldn't help asking himself.

In fact, neither of them has changed. Li Changxiao is still the veteran coach in the e-sports circle who knows how to assess the situation, and he is still the young director who knows how to take advantage of the situation.

But the era of e-sports has begun to change. The current Huaxia e-sports circle has squeezed into two major forces at the same time, one is the rich and powerful H country consortium, and the other is the penniless Daqin e-sports association.

These two major forces represent two directions of the era. The outcome of the competition between these two major forces will also determine how China's e-sports will be opened in the future. Behind this force, the potential interests , is the future Chinese e-sports circle, who will speak?

The speaker is always the established ruler of this industry, and the person who makes the rules is the existence at the top of the industry pyramid, the real meat eater, and the real vested interest.

At this juncture, Chen Yibian did not hesitate to take refuge in the side of the H country consortium, while Li Changxiao, after several ups and downs, and under Qin Fan's persuasion, chose the Daqin E-sports Association to serve as an unpaid, no-name, The position of general manager who has a title in vain but requires hard work.

Of course, Chen Yibian didn't know about the existence of the Great Qin E-sports Association. Even if he knew, based on his views on Qin Fan, it was impossible for him to choose the Great Qin E-sports Association.

Five years of friendship, five years of old friends, in the face of the changes of the times, they are as fragile as a piece of toilet paper that cannot withstand the slightest damage...

Chen Yibian looked at Qin Fan's back and fell into deep thought. He believed that Li Changxiao's wisdom would not be easily deceived by others, but because of this, he was even more puzzled. Power, connections, no connections, even a former e-sports player who has been deprived of his last bit of fame and appeal, how can he let a smart person like Li Changxiao follow him without hesitation?

Why?Why?Is it just because of his sophistry?Is it just because of his professional skills?Doing great things is not something that can be done with this little skill...

For a moment, Chen Yibian found countless answers for Li Changxiao in his mind, but in the end he denied them all one by one.

Invisibly, the back of Qin Fan, a useless e-sports player, suddenly grew taller in Chen Yibian's eyes. There was no other reason, but because Li Changxiao, a smart man, chose Qin Fan without hesitation. It is enough to prove Qin Fan's ability.

Did I miss it?Chen Yibian asked himself secretly in his heart, and then shook his head again, impossible, if he really had such ability, he would have gone to the shopping mall a long time ago, and why would he play e-sports? It is empty to use imagination to enhance the ability of this person.

Chen Yibian was still pondering secretly in his heart, but the friend behind him reminded at this moment: "Brother Chen, you are going to go far, if you don't keep it, it will be too late."

With a 'swipe', Chen Yibian's face, which had been planning strategies just now, suddenly turned pale, and his face was extremely ugly, but now is not the time for children to lose their temper, so he quickly scolded the two bodyguards loudly: "You two are trash Is it? Even the Great God King can’t recognize him? Hurry up and invite him back to me.”

The two bodyguards looked at each other in blank dismay.


Didn't you tell us to stop him?And you've changed your face too quickly!What about flipping the book?
(End of this chapter)

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