Chapter 710
And Qin Fan's current behavior is not to give Chen Yibian a little face, as if I don't intend to give you a little face today, just want you to apologize to me in person, this is undoubtedly a taboo in the current Chinese e-sports circle , This can be regarded as crushing Chen Yibian's face.

It can be predicted that if Qin Fan really asks Chen Yibian to apologize to him today, unless Qin Fan has interests in making Chen Yibian have to bow his head in the future, after today, the two will probably have a deep hatred and never communicate with each other.

Faced with Chen Yibian's threat, Qin Fan laughed loudly, and said nonchalantly, "I beg you for mercy? What a big joke, you do things for money, and I do things for myself. Why do different ways intersect? Don't give You have put gold on your face, and you have nothing in your hands that can attract me."

Speaking of this, Qin Fan paused, turned to look at the two of them, smiled and said slowly: "As for whether you will come to beg me in the future, it's hard to say, so you should keep this sentence for yourself." Listen."

Chen Yibian's complexion changed, it was extremely ugly.In their eyes, Ding Potian, a professional player in the e-sports circle, is nothing more than a tool for them to make money. Although King's professional skills and appeal are strong enough to challenge capital, today is not the same as before. King's name After being stolen, Qin Fan became an outdated e-sports professional player.

But it is such an outdated e-sports professional player who dares to speak like this to him, a real carnivore in the e-sports circle, it is simply audacious.

But Qin Fan has the confidence, he is holding on to the current situation in Qin Fan's hands, and if he doesn't bow his head, he will have to cut his flesh, and the five years of hard work in the business will be in vain.

As Qin Fan said, it's not that he doesn't have a boss, his boss is money, and he does things for money.And Qin Fan, in fact, is not doing things for himself as he said, he is actually doing things for his brothers more.

However, his brothers are now under his umbrella, and the thing that threatened the Caesars team to make the king half a year ago cannot happen again.

Chen Yibian gritted his teeth, his complexion twisted, Qin Fan had a good time to wait and see the situation, this meal, whether he ate it or not, had no effect on him, he came here today just to make a grievance, not like Chen Yibian was like this, with great purpose, planning for a long time, just for today's meal.

So he was not in a hurry at all, he believed that Chen Yibian would bow to him for the sake of his heart.

Just as Qin Fan expected, Chen Yibian still couldn't let go of the business of the Star Club after all. Qin Fan greeted him.

"It's all my fault that I was blind. I failed to recognize God King. It's all my fault. I hope Brother Qin will not remember the villain's fault and come into the house for a while."

Chen Yibian half bowed and said with a smile.

Qin Fan nodded to Li Changxiao when he heard the words. Chen Yibian's attitude is not low. For a carnivore in the e-sports circle and the owner of the Star Club, one of the five major clubs in Shanghai, this level of humiliation , is already very excessive.

If someone else had changed, they might have helped Chen Yibian to his feet at this time, and said some face-saving words to give him a step down.

However, neither Qin Fan nor Li Changxiao were other people. They didn't even look at Chen Yibian, let him bow halfway, and didn't say let him get up, and just walked past him on their own. Entering the house like this, it was as if he had never seen him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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