PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 711 Liu Yunfan 3 Questions

Chapter 711 Liu Yunfan Three Questions

From Li Changxiao's point of view, Chen Yibian has already broken his heart, he no longer has the slightest affection for Chen Yibian, and only has resentment, so naturally he doesn't bother to give him a step down.

From Qin Fan's point of view, Chen Yibian was even less qualified to let him talk to him. Chen Yibian was not at the same level as him at all.

What is the identity of the eldest son of the Qin family?What is Chen Yibian's identity?If it was really a matter of status, Chen Yibian was not worthy of carrying shoes for the children of the Qin family, let alone Qin Fan.

Of course, now that Qin Fan is participating in this dinner as an e-sports player, it has nothing to do with his status as the eldest son of the Qin family.As an e-sports player, Chen Yibian and him are also in an endless hostile relationship. From the moment Qin Fan came here, Chen Yibian's attitude towards Qin Fan was extremely arrogant and indifferent.

From the very beginning, Qin Fan was going to give Qin Fan a badass before they met, hehe, with this attitude, with Qin Fan's temper, he couldn't help but smash this kid's face?The attitude of wanting to show off Qin Fan just for this meeting, and still want to step down?I'm afraid I'm thinking too much, I'm being polite to you if I don't think about it and ruin your entire family.

It wasn't until Qin Fan and Li Changxiao calmly entered the bamboo house that Chen Yibian's friends rushed over to help Chen Yibian up.

"Old Chen, are you okay?" Chen Yibian's friend said with concern.

The smile on Chen Yibian's face gradually disappeared, and he stared fiercely at the entrance of the bamboo house, as if there was someone who had a deep hatred for him.

"I, Chen Yibian, swear here today that I will make this ignorant man crawl under my feet and admit his mistakes. I will make him repent for his ignorance for the rest of his life." Chen Yibian said through gritted teeth, and the clenched teeth made his face pale. become extremely distorted.

Chen Yibian's friend glanced helplessly at the entrance of the bamboo house, shook his head and said, "Old Chen, I think today's matter should stop here."

"What?" Chen Yibian shouted suddenly, staring at the young man's face in disbelief, tremblingly said: "Brother Liu, don't you even want to help me?"

Liu Yunfan shook his head again, looked at Chen Yibian and said, "It's not that I don't want to help you, but... this kid, I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think."

Chen Yibian was upset, and when he was about to speak, Liu Yunfan stopped him by raising his hand, and said calmly, "Do you believe me?"

Chen Yibian's words were blocked by Liu Yunfan's four words. After seeing Liu Yunfan unable to speak for a long time, he hesitated for a long time before saying, "Brother Liu, what are you talking about? You are a direct descendant of the Liu family in Hangzhou. , so talented, how could I not believe you?"

Chen Yibian flattered him, but Liu Yunfan ignored him, and asked indifferently: "You said that China's fps game field is behind the world, and it can be called the darkest and most backward region in the world, so business There is a lot of room for development, isn’t it?”

"Yes." Chen Yibian nodded suspiciously.

After Chen Yibian finished speaking, Liu Yunfan then asked rhetorically: "You said that if the Chinese fps field does not introduce or learn the management system, talent mechanism and high-end technology of European and American e-sports, it will not be able to truly develop, right?"

Chen Yibian hesitated for a moment: "Yes."

These words were the words he used to persuade Liu Yunfan to get involved in the e-sports circle, but he didn't expect Liu Yunfan to memorize them without fail, but...he couldn't figure out what these words had to do with today's irreconcilable conflict.

Before he could figure it out, he heard Liu Yunfan pointing in the direction Qin Fan was leaving, and then asked, "Then I'll ask you again."

"He, a mere e-sports player, how did he lead Caesars to become the strongest team in the world in this environment?"

(End of this chapter)

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