PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 712 Don't mess with him

Chapter 712 Don't mess with him

Chen Yibian raised his brows, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart for some reason, and his intuition told him that the development of the matter might be out of his control, but with his wisdom, he didn't know which direction the matter was going.

I can only recall the technical investigation that Li Changxiao once reported to him, and then shook his head disdainfully: "Of course it's because of his talent and strength in e-sports, isn't that what professional players can eat? It's just a more powerful chess piece, if you don't follow the established rules of the e-sports circle, you will be excluded."

Liu Yunfan smiled and did not speak. Although what Chen Yi argued had some truth, Liu Yunfan did not fully agree with him.

Liu Yunfan didn't intend to enter the e-sports circle before, but now that he has been persuaded and is ready to enter the e-sports circle, he needs to do research on the profit model of the e-sports circle and the team support model.Based on his understanding of the development model of a team, it is impossible to really make a team popular by relying on hard power alone.

Of course, strength is an indispensable and rigid standard for judging an e-sports team, but how to use the strength and characteristics of the team to make it popular is a technical task.

A team does not mean that it can become popular just by playing games blindly. There are two purposes for playing games. Necessary factor for fire.

It is essential to seize the hot spots of public opinion to have friction and conflicts with other teams, which will affect the development speed and future of your own team. In the early stage, Kaiser, as a three-no team with no background, no influence, and no financial support, is How did you survive the siege?
Liu Yunfan couldn't figure it out. He put himself into Qin Fan's perspective countless times, trying to restore Caesar's development path. Can't let Caesar go to the top of the world.

However, Qin Fan not only made Caesar popular, but also succeeded in making every member of the Caesar team popular, so that everyone in the team has a huge fan base.

This was the reason why he looked at Qin Fan with admiration, and it was also the fundamental reason why he persuaded Chen Yibian not to go against Qin Fan too much.

Although Liu Yunfan didn't think that Qin Fan could threaten Chen Yibian or himself in the current environment, Liu Yunfan didn't want to get into too much trouble with such a talented person.

The world is impermanent, who knows if it will be useful to others in the future, they are all doing things for money in the final analysis, and only harmony can make money.

Liu Yunfan's silence made Chen Yibian's sense of crisis intensify, and the idea of ​​bringing Qin Fan down and trampled to death slowly began to take root in his heart.


The four of them sat at the dining table, the two chefs were busy cooking, and the waiter making tea walked around beside the four of them.

The tea is flowing slowly between the tea sets, with rustling sounds, the chef's knives slamming on the chopping board, and the ingredients are turned into bunches of beautiful carvings under the perfect knives of the two chefs .

But other than that, there was no other voice, no one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed harmonious, but in fact it was dignified.

Chen Yibian took a sip of tea, glanced at Qin Fan with a slightly cold look, then broke the silence, and asked Liu Yunfan with a smile on his face: "Brother Liu, what do you think of this waiter's skill in making tea?"

(End of this chapter)

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