PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 720 Li Changxiao's Rescue

Chapter 720 Li Changxiao's Rescue

"Mr. Wang, this is the old friend I mentioned to you." Chen Yibian pointed at Qin Fan who was hanging his head slightly, and said with a faint smile.

After Chen Yibian finished speaking, everyone turned to look at Qin Fan.

Liu Yunfan still looked very interested, looking forward to the surprise that Qin Fan could bring him.The middle-aged people behind Wang Boliang looked at this strange young man with his head down with curiosity and doubts.

On the other hand, Li Changxiao was full of worry, and his current mood was very contradictory.

On the one hand, because of his status as the general manager of the Daqin Esports Association, he was afraid that Qin Fan would not be able to control his anger and bring down these people prematurely, which would disrupt the development plan of the Daqin Esports Association. As Qin Fan's friend, he didn't want Qin Fan to be humiliated by these people because of his tolerance.

But no matter whether he was worried or not, Wang Boliang had come, and he was looking at the young man who was sitting on the straw mat in front of him with doubts and didn't talk to him.

Seeing that this young man didn't take the initiative to say hello to him, Wang Boliang felt a little unhappy. What is his status now, who in the Chinese e-sports circle would dare not give him the face of Boss Wang?And this young man dared to ignore him?What is the system.

Wang Boliang's brows began to frown, his face was a bit sullen, and he looked at the young man with his head bowed in front of him with a slightly gloomy expression.

Seeing this, Chen Yibian laughed more and more happily. The development of the matter was smoother than he imagined, and Wang Boliang became angry so quickly.

Seeing this, Li Changxiao became more and more worried. Seeing that Wang Boliang was going to lose his temper, he couldn't sit still. As Qin Fan's friend and subordinate, it was impossible for him to watch Qin Fan let him down.

Li Changxiao's eyes showed a bit of ruthlessness. Although his status in the e-sports circle is far behind that of Wang Boliang, it can be said that Wang Boliang can easily kill him, but now he can't control it. There are so many, given Qin Fan's current situation, it is the best way for him to come forward to help Qin Fan.

"Young man..." Wang Boliang spoke, staring at Qin Fan with gloomy eyes.

I was going to question Qin Fan, but before he finished speaking, Li Changxiao beside Qin Fan suddenly stood up with a smile, grabbed Wang Boliang's plump hand, nodded and bowed, with a smile all over his face, and said flatteringly: " Mr. Wang, do you still remember me? Li Changxiao, Xingchen's head coach."

On weekdays, if Wang Boliang saw Li Changxiao introducing himself in such a low-key manner, he might even have a few polite words with him, but today is obviously not a good day, because Wang Boliang is in a fit of anger, without Qin Fan's restraint, he will Like a wild dog that has lost its chain, once it goes mad, it will bite whoever it catches.

Wang Boliang didn't even look at Li Changxiao, his plump lips spat out the word "Get out."

What kind of existence is Wang Boliang? The leader of the carnivores in the Chinese e-sports circle, Li Changxiao's status in the e-sports circle is at most one level higher than professional players. In front of Wang Boliang, his status is not worth it at all. Mention.

The gap between two people is like the distance between the sky and the earth, it needs hundreds of Oriental Pearls to bridge the gap.

Chen Yibian gave Li Changxiao a playful look. Of course he knew that Li Changxiao wanted to save the situation, but he knew better that with Li Changxiao's ability, he would not be able to save this situation today.

'roll. 'It's just a single word, but it represents the attitude of the highest will in the e-sports circle. In the past, Li Changxiao didn't have the courage to resist at all, but today, he has no way out. He dare not imagine the consequences of Qin Fan's anger. He can guarantee that once When Qin Fan gets angry, no one in the e-sports circle will be spared. Everyone in the e-sports circle will become Qin Fan's pawn and a sacrificial object to appease his anger. Like Wang Boliang, he is also very clear about what Qin Fan has. means and wisdom.

(End of this chapter)

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