Chapter 721 Savage
But Chen Yibian doesn't know. From his point of view, as long as Wang Boliang gets angry, no one in the e-sports circle can suppress him. Unless Liu Yunfan forcibly suppresses him, unless someone from the H-state consortium intervenes, no one will be able to suppress it. Qin Fan was saved.

But this is impossible, Liu Yunfan can't afford to provoke a leader in the e-sports circle for an out-of-date e-sports player, and it is even more impossible for the H country consortium to take action for a deadly rival.

Therefore, in Chen Yibian's view, no one could save Qin Fan today, and Qin Fan had no power to resist Wang Boliang's humiliation.

However, in fact, even if Wang Boliang had more courage, he would not dare to touch Qin Fan. He knew very well what the consequences of provoking Qin Fan would be.

Wang Boliang shouted Li Changxiao back with the word 'get lost', his eyes still staring at Qin Fan, and just about to speak again, Li Changxiao took another step forward, smiled at him, and stopped him.

Wang Boliang was not a patient person. At this moment, his last patience was exhausted. Without saying a word, he swung his right arm suddenly, intending to slap Li Changxiao directly.

Li Changxiao was taken aback, he didn't expect Wang Boliang to be so arrogant, he would hit someone immediately if he didn't agree with each other!This is not the style of a high-class figure in the e-sports circle, he is simply a full-fledged hooligan.

Yes, Wang Boliang was originally a rogue-like figure, he was just lucky to be selected by Qin Fan.

Not only Li Changxiao was shocked, but when they saw Wang Boliang slapped down, everyone in the room was stunned. They all knew that Wang Boliang was brutal, but they didn't expect him to be so brutal!Hitting people with hands is a method only used by local hooligans and ignorant children.

Wang Boliang's behavior and style made them disdainful, but no one dared to step forward to stop the slap, because they felt that it was not worthwhile, and it was too bad to provoke Wang Boliang for a mere e-sports coach.

There is no right or wrong in their eyes, only pros and cons.

Seeing the powerful and fat slap in the air getting closer and closer, the anger in Li Changxiao's heart couldn't help surging. At this moment, he felt that he seemed to be able to understand Qin Fan's mood. That kind of hysterical anger made him Can't wait to tear each other apart.

But he didn't dare to move, like everyone else here, he didn't dare to provoke Wang Boliang.

He is no longer a calf who has just entered the e-sports circle. As a veteran, he knows how to be afraid, knows how to weigh the pros and cons, and knows how to take a step back.

So he closed his eyes, gave up resistance, and chose to accept the humiliation in silence.

The slap was getting closer, and Li Changxiao could even feel the burning pain in advance.

A piercing sound of '啪' suddenly sounded in the bamboo house, Li Changxiao fell to the ground slumped as if his strength had been drained from his whole body, he had never accepted such humiliation.

It took him a long time to react, and he was shocked to find that there was no trace of pain on his face except for the burning feeling caused by shame!

Looking up, he suddenly found that Qin Fan reached out to help him stop the slap!
Li Changxiao heaved a sigh of relief, at least one of his old faces was preserved, but after a short period of relaxation, he felt an extreme sense of crisis. He didn't know whether Qin Fan had controlled the anger in his heart now, if he hadn't, He even chose to make a move... the consequences would be disastrous.

He has seen Qin Fan in a rage, that feeling of oppression, he never wants to experience it a second time in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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