Chapter 730 Bright Summit

"I really underestimated how shameless you are. A group of dishonest beasts are bad from the very beginning. Do you think I, Qin Fan, are easy to bully? Or do you think that the money of your consortium is really inexhaustible? Inexhaustible?"

After all, Qin Fan was still angry. From the time these four people entered the door, he tried his best to contain the anger in his heart, but... he took every precaution, and in the end he underestimated the shamelessness of these people, and successfully angered him again .

The man who was grabbed by the collar by Qin Fan had already turned into a lump of soft-legged shrimp because of extreme fear, limp on the ground, motionless.

"Li Changxiao." Qin Fan suddenly got up and shouted.

"Yes." Li Changxiao stood up solemnly, feeling awe-inspiring in his heart.

He knew that Qin Fan had tried his best to restrain his emotions, he also knew the whole story of this incident, and he understood the shamelessness of the H country consortium, so he could understand Qin Fan's anger very well.

Whether he wanted to see Qin Fan get angry or not, Qin Fan was already angry. As a subordinate and as a friend, he was willing to do his best to support him unconditionally.

"Hold a press conference immediately. I want to come back as king." Qin Fan said, and walked directly to the door.

"Yes." Li Changxiao responded, packed up his things, and followed Qin Fan to leave.

Seeing this, the operation leaders of the three H-state consortiums lying on the ground lost their souls immediately. When Qin Fan and Li Changxiao passed by them, they hugged their thighs and screamed extremely horribly.

"Hiss..." Liu Yunfan couldn't help but secretly sucked in a breath of cold air.

This kind of style is also too cold. The three representatives of the state H consortium in Huaxia actually kowtowed and hugged Qin Fan. Liu Yunfan didn't even dare to think about this scene before coming here. Ah, but now it actually happened in front of him.

However, Liu Yunfan still didn't intend to intervene. He was an outsider in this matter. It is said that if there is a cause, there must be an effect. These people will end up where they are today, and they are asking for trouble, and they deserve it.

"Let me talk to your director." Qin Fan said coldly.

"Yes yes yes." The three of them nodded repeatedly when they heard Qin Fan's request, without the slightest bit of dissatisfaction, they directly dialed the number of 'Guangmingding' and handed it over to Qin Fan.

"Hello, how is the matter with He Xiaoqing and Li Buji going?" As soon as the phone was dialed, a calm and majestic middle-aged voice came from the other end.

They spoke Korean, which Qin Fan could understand.

After answering the phone, Qin Fan replied in Chinese: "The progress is very smooth, but I am very dissatisfied with your plan."

After Qin Fan finished speaking, the other end of the phone fell into a long silence, without speaking for a long time.

"It's you? King?" After a long time, the voice came from the other end of the phone again, but... this time the voice did not have the calm atmosphere before, but seemed a little flustered.

The reason why their plan was classified as highly confidential was because they died in the light of the light. What they were most afraid of was that Qin Fan would learn the news and retaliate against them. Unfortunately, they took all precautions, and the most worrying thing still happened.

But 'Bright Peak' is a big man after all, even if Mount Tai collapsed before, he could still stay in danger, unlike the three operation leaders of the H-state consortium.

"Hehe, that's right, it was me, was it an accident?" Qin Fan sneered.

"The matter has come to this, what do you want?" 'Guangmingding' directly gave up dealing with Qin Fan and began to negotiate terms.Because he knew very well that there would be no good fruit to deal with the king, so it would be better to be straightforward and admit cowardly directly.

(End of this chapter)

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