PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 731 Three times, 3 million

Chapter 731 Three times, two hundred million

'Bright Peak' was so happy, Qin Fan didn't bother him, and directly raised his own conditions: "On the basis of the previously agreed compensation... double it, and the implementation will begin immediately."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then said: "One and a half times."

Qin Fan sneered, when is it, it is kind of him not to sit on the ground and raise the price, but he dares to bargain with him?He snorted directly and said, "Three times."

"You..."'Guangmingding' regretted his guts turning green, Qin Fan didn't reason with him at all, he said four more words, and ended up losing more than 1000 million yuan, which is really exciting.

"Okay." 'Guangmingding' agreed through gritted teeth, and then said: "Three times is fine, but it must be accompanied by the king's reputation."

Just kidding, three times, nearly [-] million has been thrown out, and there is no splash, are you kidding?
"Cancel my suspension and apologize to me publicly. I can sell my reputation right to you." Qin Fan said decisively.

'Guangmingding' was surprised. He didn't expect Qin Fan to be so straightforward, but he didn't know that Qin Fan had negotiated this condition with his subordinates long ago.

As if afraid of Qin Fan's repentance, once he heard that Qin Fan was willing to sell the king's reputation, 'Bright Peak' didn't even listen to any other conditions, and agreed directly.

The king's right of reputation, this is the most noble sword in the e-sports circle, whoever owns the king's right of reputation can walk sideways in the e-sports circle, and whoever wants to fall will have to fall.

If Qin Fan wanted to auction off the king's reputation right, he would have to sell it for at least [-] to [-] million yuan, and the [-] million yuan could be exchanged for the king's reputation right with some conditions.

But Qin Fan also has his calculations. King's reputation is worth money even if it is worth money, but it is just a false name if it is worthless.

It is valuable because of its appeal and influence. Qin Fan has never shown his face in front of the media, so the king's reputation can be manipulated. Whoever gets it is equivalent to owning a Shangfang sword, even if he doesn't sell it. , The lethality is also very compelling.

But the reputation of the king is worthless in Qin Fan's hands. To Qin Fan himself, money is just a number. To others, the king is wealth, power, prestige, and a symbol. For him, it was a good time worth remembering, and it was the result of the hard work of the brothers.

And because of Qin Fan's particularity in the e-sports circle, even if he wants to auction off King's reputation rights, he may be targeted by many forces, collude with them, maliciously lower the price, and finally be bought by someone at the price of a cabbage. It's worthless and that's all.

Things have developed to the present, Caesar is gone, the glory is gone, and the former eight kings have all been reduced to the status of third-rate professional players on the street.

Things have come to this, what is he still doing with the name of king, he might as well exchange it for his brother's life's safety and wealth.In this way, he thinks it is worth it.

Three times the original price, that is more than 9000 million, nearly [-] million. This amount is enough for Li Bushi and He Xiaoqing to live a normal life.

In the future, no matter whether the two of them plan to go dormant for a period of time before returning to play professionally, or plan to quit the e-sports circle, or plan to start some small business, with a hundred million at their side, they can do whatever they want in the future.

This was the retreat Qin Fan had sought for the two of them a long time ago. He didn't force them to return to e-sports. He only hoped that they could stand up straight, straighten their waists and live well like individuals.

If you don't ask them to be rich and powerful, just ask them not to become like Chen Yibian and Wang Boliang, then they are not human beings, but dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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