Chapter 732 Black Hawk, Gone

People have to look like a person, as long as they have enough money to spend, but if a person kneels down, he is considered useless. What do you want to live for a lifetime, don't you want to live like a person?

Qin Fan and 'Bright Ding' agreed on the terms of the agreement and began to implement it.

Qin Fan's will is very firm, and he wants to see them fulfill the established terms step by step before he can sign a sale agreement with these unreasonable bastards.

The H country consortium broke the contract again and again, which also completely dropped Qin Fan's trust in them to the freezing point.


In the middle of the night, Modu Airport.

A tall and muscular young man with eagle eyes and saber eyebrows, with a suitcase in hand and a red backpack on his shoulder, stood at the window on the second floor of the airport, looking out at the scenery outside the window.

'Dear passenger Li Bushi, your flight XXX from Shang H to He B is about to take off, please board the plane as soon as possible. '

'Dear passenger Li Buyu,...'

The plane's voice broadcast echoed at the airport. The young man's eagle eyes were bloodshot, and tears rolled in his eye sockets. He almost slipped several times, but the young man forcibly endured them all.

"Boss, the black eagle is useless. I didn't understand your teaching until now, but I really have no face to meet you. We can never go back to the past. See you again by fate. I hope we can still be brothers in the next life."

Li Bushi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, put on a mask and sunglasses, resolutely picked up the suitcase, and prepared to board the plane.

As soon as he got to the boarding gate, a girl "dendenden" ran towards him in the distance. After staring at him for a long time, she suddenly covered her mouth and pointed at him with a look of surprise.

"Are you... are you the Great God of Black Hawk? I didn't expect to meet you at the airport. I'm so lucky. I'm your fan." It was flushed red and looked very cute.

"I'm not Black Eagle, you've got the wrong person." Li Bushi said without turning his head. After saying that, he entered the boarding gate and left without turning his head.

Confused, the girl flipped through the photos she had secretly taken before, and at the same time took out the homework book with the Black Hawk professional attire printed on it from her backpack, and muttered, "That's right, it's obviously a black hawk. God Eagle, you still don’t admit it, hum.”

The girl looked frustrated, and was just about to leave when she suddenly felt a shadow covering her back. She looked back suddenly and saw her idol standing in front of her.

"Want to sign?" Li Bushi asked.

"En." The girl nodded obediently, pulled up her clothes shyly and said, "Can I sign here?"

The young man took out the ~ fountain pen, and his broad and strong chest bent down. The distance between the two was less than ten centimeters, and the girl's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and she was confused.

"Shuashuashua" wrote three unattractive words on the front of her clothes - Black Eagle, end.

Li Bushi rubbed her little head, and said with a smile: "Study hard, this will be the last signature of Black Eagle, and I give it to you."

After today, there will no longer be a Black Hawk in this world.

After saying that, Li Bushi smiled and left.

The girl looked blankly at the generous and tall figure in front of her. For some reason, although she got the idol's autograph, she felt a little disappointed.

Suddenly, the girl remembered something, looked at the last word "end" on the clothes, her face turned pale, and two lines of hot tears flowed down her face unstoppably.

"Black Eagle God." The girl suddenly shouted loudly, a young girl full of vigor, but her voice made people's heart twitch, just like Meng Jiangnu's shout.

"Remember to come back, I will definitely study hard." The girl's tears wet the signature on her clothes, and she shouted hoarsely, her shrill and penetrating voice passed through layers of metal to Black Hawk in the ears.

(End of this chapter)

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