PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 737 You know what to do, right?

Chapter 737 You know what to do, right?
"Brother Li, I found it, I found it." He Xiaoqing said happily, like a child who picked up a favorite toy.

However, when he turned his head, he found that the dormitory was empty, and he was the only one left...

Looking at the time again, there are only 3 minutes left before the meeting time!Even if he grows wings, it's too late.

He Xiaoqing's mind suddenly went blank, his face became pale, without a trace of blood, he rushed out of the door quickly, and ran towards the club like crazy.

At this moment, there is only one sentence in his mind: "You must not be late, I will guard Caesar for the boss."

He has already realized that he has been tricked, but he has no time to worry about it. Compared with staying in Caesar and keeping the last glory of Caesar for Qin Fan, everything else is not important.


In the Caesars Club, Qin Fan sat in the monitoring room, looked at the group of 'Caesars' players who were free and unorganized and had no discipline at all on the screen, and snorted disdainfully.

"Can such a team play games? It's not embarrassing enough." Qin Fan said disdainfully.

The three operation officers on the headset side were extremely embarrassed. If someone else said this, they would definitely go back, but king said this...they really couldn't refute it.

Just as Qin Fan was about to insult them a few more words, he suddenly saw on the screen a small and thin man whose team uniform had half fallen from his arms due to violent running.

Due to the lack of oxygen due to excessive strenuous exercise, his face became extremely pale, his mouth was wide open, and he was panting heavily. Even though he had a neat hairstyle, he still looked very embarrassed.

Qin Fan's heart twitched, he couldn't bear it, but then he became more determined, resisting the urge to go out to comfort He Xiaoqing, forced himself to sit down, and quietly watched the development of the situation and the change in He Xiaoqing's expression.

"He Xiaoqing, why are you late, didn't you hear my order?" An operation officer stepped forward, stared at He Xiaoqing with a gloomy expression, and shouted in a cold voice.

He Xiaoqing glanced at Li Yi, opened his mouth, but swallowed back the words that came to his lips, and changed his words: "I heard it, it's just..."

Before he could explain, the operation officer stopped him with a wave of his hand, and shouted angrily: "You dare to be late after hearing that. I think you didn't take my order seriously. Such a team member is not worthy of staying in our Caesars Club."

"I..." He Xiaoqing panicked. He endured it for so long, even willing to be a mere sparring player in the Caesars Club, and even lost his professional ID account in order to stay in Caesars.

He has no relatives and no reason, Caesar is his last sustenance, his home, now the operation officer suddenly wants to drive him away, how can he not panic, if he is really driven away, where else can he go, to seek refuge with Qin Fan ?But Qin Fan entrusted Caesar to him at the beginning, and now he has lost Caesar, and now he has no face to see Qin Fan.

So he had to explain clearly to the operating officer that no matter what the price was, he had to stay in Caesars, even if he was a cleaner in Caesars, a cleaner who cleaned the toilet...

But the operation officer didn't give him a chance to explain at all, interrupted him directly, and then shouted and cursed: "You, you, I have made it very clear, whoever dares to be late will be fired. If you are not deaf, you should know What should we do?"

He Xiaoqing's already pale face became even paler now, just now he was sweating profusely and his head was steaming hot, but now his hands and feet were cold.

It was really difficult for him to accept the judgment of the operating officer.

(End of this chapter)

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