Chapter 738 I Can Help You

He Xiaoqing is not an idiot, as things have come to this point, he can tell that this play was specially prepared for him.

In today's Caesar, all the disciplines are for display, as long as the business activities are completed properly, everything else doesn't matter.

From being a sparring partner to now, he has been walking on thin ice. No matter how unrestrained other players are or how they do not abide by discipline, he will abide by his duty, do his own training well, and stick to Caesar's discipline.

Speaking of being late, the others didn't know how many times they had been late, but they started to get serious with him when he was late for the first time, and there was no room for negotiation. The purpose was very clear, which was to drive him away.

If it is not clear whether it was done on purpose, then He Xiaoqing is probably a fool.

But he had no choice, Caesar was no longer what he was before, he was an out-and-out outsider in this club.

But he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay here, and wanted to continue the glory of Caesar.

"Let me stay, no matter what you ask me to do." He Xiaoqing said to the operation officer in a daze, his body trembling slightly, this news hit him too hard, and he really couldn't accept it.

The operation officer snorted coldly and turned his face away when he heard the words, ignoring his pleading at all.

Seeing this, Li Yi came to his mind, and said with a wicked smile: "Really, you can do anything?"

"You can do whatever you want." He Xiaoqing said with a nod of his head.

"Well, you give us the membership card of King's Hero Tangtian name authority, and we will plead with the operation officer for you." Li Yi's eyes were fiery, full of greed.

The other training partners also looked at He Xiaoqing after hearing the words, with the same expression as Li Yi, as if they were looking at a beautiful woman with naked fruits all over her body.

That is the Tianzihao membership card of the Hall of Heroes, what a supreme service, what delicious delicacies, and what a proud location in a private room.

They only went there once with Li Zhixian, and they will never forget that imperial private room. It is a pity that they don't have the ability to go in, so they can only rely on stealing Qin Fan's membership card and secretly carrying He Xiaoqing. .

He Xiaoqing hadn't reacted from the heavy blow at this time. When he heard Li Yi's voice, his mind kept echoing: "Give it to him, at least there is a chance for you to stay if you give it to him." , give it to him, give it to him quickly. '

This voice was like a lullaby, constantly urging He Xiaoqing to hand over the highest membership card of the Hall of Heroes to Li Yi.

He Xiaoqing turned around mechanically, slowly and bluntly took out the black gold membership card hollowed out from his pocket, like a rusty robot.

When the trainees saw this, their expressions became more and more fiery, and the greedy look was about to overflow from their eyes. Suddenly, there was a sound of swallowing saliva in the hall.

Seeing that the membership cards were getting closer and closer to them, Caesar's sparring partners all became thirsty, eager to rush up and snatch the membership cards from He Xiaoqing's hand.

Until the membership card was handed over to Li Yi, the hearts of the sparring partners finally fell into their stomachs. As long as Li Yi stretched out his hand, this card belonged to them.

Regardless of what this card means to He Xiaoqing, anyway, He Xiaoqing doesn't use it, and it's a waste to keep it on him. Why don't we help him use resources.Thinking in this way, everyone felt that it was very natural to take away this membership card, as if they had done a great good deed.

(End of this chapter)

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